Firebase auth works in Debug but not in Release #14367
I have built an app in flutter + firebase for macOS.
I am using macOS to authenticate the user and display some basic information.
Everything works great in debug mode and I am able to authenticate users properly without a single problem. The complete code even works great on windows.
But when I create a .dmg file of my product, I am again and again getting this error in the console provided by Mac:
11.4.2 - [FirebaseCore][I-COR000005] No app has been configured yet
The app opens, loads like it should and then closes as soon as it needs to sign in.
All the solutions are for iOS where they ask to change ios/AppDelegate.swift but I am building for macOS and that file is completely different.
Someone please help.
Reproducing the issue
No response
Firebase SDK Version
Xcode Version
Installation Method
Swift Package Manager
Firebase Product(s)
Authentication, Firestore
Targeted Platforms
Relevant Log Output
If using Swift Package Manager, the project's Package.resolved
Expand Package.resolved
Replace this line with the contents of your Package.resolved.
If using CocoaPods, the project's Podfile.lock
Expand Podfile.lock
Replace this line with the contents of your Podfile.lock!