----Thanks for xen0n, who are contributing to the working CyanogenMod of MTK hardware.---
This is a device tree for huawei g750t01 which is based on MT6592 SoC. Powered by ferhung.
init Sync CyanogenMod source:
# repo init -u git://github.com/ferhung-mtk/android.git -b cm-13.0 # repo sync
full build
# source build/envsetup.sh # brunch cm_g750t01-userdebug
Services requires root:
surfaceflinger depends on sched_setscheduler calls, unable to change process priority from 'system' user (default user 'system')
mediaserver depends on /data/nvram folder access, unable to do voice calls from 'media' user (default user 'media')
- Change of Android 5.1 source to skip network validation in some environment like China can't connect to http://clients3.google.com/generate_204.
To see: Skip_network_validation