Perfect emulation:
- none
- Tetris
- Super Mario Land
- Bionic Commando
- Pokemon Red/Blue
- Kirby's Dreamland
- Dr. Mario
- Zelda: Link's Awakening
CPU | some bugs, incorrect instruction durations |
Video | mostly working -- render hacks |
Joypad | should work |
Timer | untested, poor timing |
Interrupts | untested |
Serial | ❌ |
Audio | ❌ |
- zig 0.6.0+
- node.js 10.0.0+
# Pull down this project
$ git clone
$ cd fundude
# Build the wasm -- release-safe increases performance by >10x compared to the default debug mode
$ zig build -Drelease-safe
# Start the server
$ yarn install
$ yarn dev