gdrive is a command line utility for uploading and downloading single files to your Google Drive. This tool on its own does not do synchronization of any kind, if you want that you can use googles own tool. It is meant for one-off uploads or downloads and integration with other unix tools. One use-case could be daily uploads of a backup archive for off-site storage.
None, binaries are statically linked. If you want to compile from source you need the go toolchain:
- Save the 'drive' binary to a location in your PATH (i.e.
) - Or compile it yourself
go build drive.go
drive [global options] <verb> [verb options]
Global options:
-a, --advanced Advanced Mode -- lets you specify your own oauth client id and secret on setup
-c, --config Set application path where config and token is stored. Defaults to ~/.gdrive
-v, --version Print version
-h, --help Show this help
Verbs: delete: -i, --id File Id () download: -i, --id File Id () -s, --stdout Write file content to stdout --pop Download latest file, and remove it from google drive info: -i, --id File Id () list: -m, --max Max results -t, --title Title filter -q, --query Query (see -s, --shared Show shared status (Note: this will generate 1 http req per file) mkdir: -t, --title Title to give to newly created folder () --share Share directory share: -i, --id File Id () unshare: -i, --id File Id () upload: -f, --file File to upload () -s, --stdin Use stdin as file content () -t, --title Title to give uploaded file. Defaults to filename --share Share uploaded file --folder Folder containing the file url: -i, --id File Id (*) -p, --preview Generate preview url (default) -d, --download Generate download url
$ drive list
Id Title Size Created
0B3X9GlR6EmbnenBYSFI4MzN0d2M drive-freebsd-amd64 5 MB 2013-01-01 21:57:01
0B3X9GlR6EmbnOVRQN0t6RkxVQk0 drive-windows-amd64.exe 5 MB 2013-01-01 21:56:41
0B3X9GlR6Embnc1BtVVU1ZHp2UjQ drive-linux-arm 4 MB 2013-01-01 21:57:23
0B3X9GlR6EmbnU0ZnbGV4dlk1T00 drive-linux-amd64 5 MB 2013-01-01 21:55:06
0B3X9GlR6EmbncTk1TXlMdjd1ODQ drive-darwin-amd64 5 MB 2013-01-01 21:53:34
$ drive upload --file drive-linux-amd64
Id: 0B3X9GlR6EmbnU0ZnbGV4dlk1T00
Title: drive-linux-amd64
Size: 5 MB
Created: 2013-01-01 21:55:06
Modified: 2013-01-01 21:55:06
Owner: Petter Rasmussen
Md5sum: 334ad48f6e64646071f302275ce19a94
Shared: False
Uploaded 'drive-linux-amd64' at 510 KB/s, total 5 MB
$ drive download --id 0B3X9GlR6EmbnenBYSFI4MzN0d2M
Downloaded 'drive-freebsd-amd64' at 2 MB/s, total 5 MB
$ drive mkdir -t newFolder
Id: 0B4p3owc-L73MRWJRb1pDNGRPdG8
Title: newFolder
Size: 0 B
Created: 2013-10-10 21:32:50
Modified: 2013-10-10 21:32:50
Shared: False
Created folder 'newFolder' at 0 B/s, total 0 B
$ drive share --id 0B3X9GlR6EmbnOVRQN0t6RkxVQk0
File 'drive-windows-amd64.exe' is now readable by everyone @
$ echo "Hello World" | drive upload --stdin --title hello.txt
Title: hello.txt
Size: 12 B
Created: 2013-01-01 22:05:44
Modified: 2013-01-01 22:05:43
Owner: Petter Rasmussen
Md5sum: e59ff97941044f85df5297e1c302d260
Shared: False
Uploaded 'hello.txt' at 6 B/s, total 12 B
$ drive download --stdout --id 0B3X9GlR6EmbnVHlHZWZCZVJ4eGs
Hello World
$ drive info --id 0B3X9GlR6EmbnVHlHZWZCZVJ4eGs
Title: hello.txt
Size: 12 B
Created: 2013-01-01 22:05:44
Modified: 2013-01-01 22:05:43
Owner: Petter Rasmussen
Md5sum: e59ff97941044f85df5297e1c302d260
Shared: False
$ drive url --id 0B3X9GlR6EmbnVHlHZWZCZVJ4eGs