This is a demo of how one can self-host TinaCMS with a static site that does not utilize Next.js. This demo is set up to use Vercel Functions and Netlify Functions to host the Tina backend.
This site is setup to use 11ty for the static site generator, but you can use any static site generator you want.
This demo uses the MongoDB database adapter, AuthJS authentication, and the GitHub git provider. These can be replaced with other adapters/providers as needed.
Click the "Use this template" button to create a new repo from this template.
git clone<Your Username Here>/tina-self-hosted-ssg-demo.git
cd tina-self-hosted-static-site-demo
yarn install
You can use a local or remote MongoDB database. You'll need to provide the connection string in the .env
Check out this guide on how to create a free MongoDB database.
Copy the .env.sample
and provide the appropriate values:
cp .env.sample .env
: The owner of the github repo you want to use
: The name of the github repo you want to use
: The branch of the github repo you want to use
: A github personal access token with repo access to both read and write
: The connection string for your MongoDB database
: A random string used to encrypt the session
When using vercel functions, your backend function is location at /api/tina/backend.ts
To install the Vercel CLI, run:
yarn global add vercel
To run the app locally:
vercel dev
This will start the Vercel function and run the app locally.
When using netlify functions, your backend function is location at netlify/functions/tina.ts
To install the Netlify CLI, run:
yarn global add netlify-cli
To run the app locally:
netlify dev
If you want to test production authentication and use the production backend locally, you can do so by setting the TINA_PUBLIC_IS_LOCAL
environment variable to "false".
Update the .env file
to include the following:
and update your dev script (in your netlify.toml or vercel.json file)
yarn dev:prod
This will run the app locally using the production backend.
NOTE: This will index your local content into the production backend and will overview any content that is there. To avoid this you can use a different branch.
If you are having issues please check out the self hosted docs
If you have any questions, please reach out to us on Discord. We are happy to help!