This repository serves as an example of a basic Node.js application which is using Passport as the authentication middleware for authenticating against social networks configured Mongo backend Steps to run the app
After cloning the repo, install the dependencies by running npm install
To start the server, run npm start on the base directory
The server assumes that you have a local mongo instance running. This means if you have mongo installed locally, all you need to do is configure the db.js file correctly and run the mongod daemon
Also don't forget to add your secret IDs and secret keys to server/_config.js
var ids = {
github: {
clientID: '<your-id>',
clientSecret: '<your-secret>',
callbackURL: ""
linkedin: {
clientID: '<your-id>',
clientSecret: '<your-secret>',
callbackURL: ""
twitter: {
consumerKey: '<your-key>',
consumerSecret: '<your-secret>',
callbackURL: ""
module.exports = ids;
Difficulty 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑