- Course: Computer Vision and Image Processing
- Professor: Luigi Di Stefano
- Student: Alessandro D'Amico
The task consists in locating and isolating defects in two kind of fruits (apples and kiwis) and is precisely described in the file tasks-description.pdf
The task is divided in 3 subtasks:
Detecting defects in the apples building a pipeline that takes advantage of the strong edges of the defects (this subtask is mostly involving operations on binary and grayscale images).
Detect defects in kiwis using mostly the techniques described in the first task.
In order to solve the subtasks, a mix of traditional IP and CV techniques has been applied in combination to my intuitive (handcrafted) ideas/function.
│ .gitattributes
│ tasks-description.pdf
│ tasks-description-checkpoint.pdf
├───final challenge
│ │ fruit inspection - ex3.ipynb
│ │
│ ├───.ipynb_checkpoints
│ │ fruit inspection - ex3-checkpoint.ipynb
│ │
│ └───src
│ C0_000006.png
│ C0_000007.png
│ C0_000008.png
│ C0_000009.png
│ C0_000010.png
│ C1_000006.png
│ C1_000007.png
│ C1_000008.png
│ C1_000009.png
│ C1_000010.png
├───first task
│ │ fruit inspection - ex1.ipynb
│ │
│ ├───.ipynb_checkpoints
│ │ fruit inspection - ex1-checkpoint.ipynb
│ │
│ └───src
│ C0_000001.png
│ C0_000002.png
│ C0_000003.png
│ C1_000001.png
│ C1_000002.png
│ C1_000003.png
│ gamma_correction.png
│ pipeline_ex1.png
│ pipeline_ex2.png
│ pipeline_ex3.png
└───second task
│ fruit_inspection - ex2.ipynb
│ fruit_inspection - ex2-checkpoint.ipynb