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TDD Vue.js crud course

This Readme contains summaries of the chapters

Part 1

getting started

In this section of part 1, we will learn how to:

  • hook the Vue.js library into our page
  • initialize and plug a Vue application into our page and
  • demonstrate the rendering of values

getting Vue.js

The Vue.js script can be loaded from CDN

<script src=""></script>

An instance of the app must be created.

Creating an app and mounting it

<script type="text/javascript">
    const = app = Vue.createApp({})

The instance of the app can then be mounted to an entrypoint. The entrypoint is defined with an id-attribute for an html container tag such as a div-tag

    <div id="app-entrypoint">

If the entrypoint is defined, it can be passed on the instantiated app. This done using the mount method of the instance which expects the id-tag of the entrypoint as an argument

<script type="text/javascript">
    const = app = Vue.createApp({})
    const mountedApp = app.mount('#app-entrypoint')

Rendering of data into page

By defining a method called data it is possible to use the contents of the returned object to render into the page

const app = Vue.createApp(
        data () {
            return {
                property1: 'value',
                property2: 'otherValue'

Rendering the values is done by placing the property name at the desired rendering place within double curley braces. Of course, the rendering location must be within or within a child tag of the tag which is our entrypoint.s

<div id="#app-entrypoint">
    <div>{{ property1 }}

dev tools

Plugins for major browsers are available. They might help during debugging

v-for Directive

The v- for directive is the way to create for-loops in Vue. This can e.g. be used to populate an unordered list with a dynamic amount of list elements.

    <li v-for="user in users" v-bind:key="user">{{ user }}</li>

It assumes that, we have a users property in the data property/object of the Vue app and that it is an iterable (e.g. list of strings).

We can additionally unpack the index

    <li v-for="(user, index) in users" v-bind:key="user">{{ index }}: {{ user }}</li>

v-on and v-show directive

event listener

v-on is a directive which will attach listener to the element to which the directive is added as an attribute.

<button v-on:click="displayUsers = !displayUsers">Display Users!</button>

This assumes that a displayUsers data-property exists. Notice that we can

  • change the value of the property and
  • that we have access to the value of properties and
  • apply logic to it.

Notice that the event here is a click on the element. The shorthand version for v-on is @.

<button @click="displayUsers = !displayUsers">Display Users!</button>

conditional visibility

v-show can be used to change the visibility of elements. The following examples visibility is now conditional of the truth value of the displayUsers data property

<ul v-show="displayUsers">

v-if and v-else

The v-if directive has a similar effect as the v-show directive. The difference is that v-show regulates the display: none style attribute whereas the v-if creates / destroys the sub-elements.

v-show should be used for simple objects which are expected to be toggled often.

v-if should be used for elements which are more complex, are rarely toggled bc the state of the sub-elements will be more clear.

    <button v-on:click="displayUsers = !displayUsers">Display Users!</button>
    <h1>List of Users:</h1>
    <ul v-if="displayUsers">
        <li v-for="(user, index) in users" v-bind:key="user">{{ index }}: {{ user }}</li>

The tutorial advises to use the v-else directive after places where a v-if directive is used. Both need to be on the same element hierarchy.

<!-- valid -->
    <ul v-if="condition"></ul>
    <ul v-else></ul>
<!-- invalid bc if and else clause are on different levels -->
    <ul v-if="condition"></ul>
        <ul v-else></ul>

methods 1

it is advised to leave logic in the JS instead of the html. As an example the toggling of the variable displayUsers data property is currently done within the HTML:

<button v-on:click="displayUsers = !displayUsers">Display Users!</button>

Instead, we can write a reusable method and link it up in the HTML instead.

const = app = Vue.createApp({
    data () {
        return {
            property: 'value'

methods 2

The concept of data binding connects data in a Vue app with the attributes of an HTML element. For example, we can access values of a form or field and process the data with methods.

<div class="add-user-input">
    <input type="text" v-model="newUser" placeholder="Enter new user..."></input>
    <input type="submit" value="Add User" v-on:click="addNewUser(newUser)"></input>
    const app = Vue.createApp({
        data() {
            return {
                newUser: '',
                users: [
        methods: {
            addNewUser(newUserInput) {
                if (newUserInput !== '') {
                    this.newUser = ''

v-model creates a two-way data binding. If the user changes the value in the input field, the value in the data property of the Vue instance will change. Likewise, the displayed string in the input field will change if the value of the data property is changed.

v-on:click of the submit input field is used to capture the "send" event and process it with the method addNewUser. The current value of newUser is used as an argument.

computed properties 1

The computed property of the Vue application holds methods which can return values based on logic. They are comparable to a property on a Django model. The advantage of a computed property is that we can take values of many data points into account.

{{ renderingOfComputedValue }}
    const = Vue.createApp({
        data() {
            // ...
        methods: {},
        computed: {
            renderingOfComputedValue () {
                return this.someValue + this.otherValue

computed properties 2

A search feature can be introduced as a more complex example for computed properties. For that it is needed to collect the user input for the search term:

<div class="search-user-input">
    <label for="searchInput">Search for:</label>
    <input type="text" v-model="searchName" id="searchInput"></input>

The input field has a data binding with the searchName data property. Somehow, we would like to go through the list of users and filter out usernames which match our criteria.

A method can be preferred if there is a distinct event triggering a calculation. In the case of search it now common to get the results as we type. Therefore, a computed property makes more sense.

const app = Vue.createApp({
    // ...
    computed: {
        // ...
        searchResults() {
            if (this.searchName !== '') {
                return this.users.filter(el => el.match(this.searchName));
            } else {
                return '';
    // ...

The filter method of the array expects a function from us. This is done on the go using an arrow style function. Each element of the array will be evaluated against that function. In our case, the match string method is used.

Finally, after 1) collecting the search term and 2) applying a filtering logic we can 3) render the results:

    <li v-for="user in searchResults" v-bind:key="user">{{ user }}</li>

Note that we use the computed property in a for loop. The code woks although our searchResults returns two different types. In the case of at least one search result, it returns an array of stings. In the case of no result, it will return just an empty string

style binding

HTML elements can be styled dynamically using Vue. One way would be to modify the style inline by using setting a value to the style attribute. Another way would be to predefine classes in our CSS file and switch the target tags class to our need.

inline style binding

<li v-for="(user, index) in users" v-bind:style="{color: randomColor}" v-bind:key="user">{{ user }}</li>

Which would ask for a computed property randomColor, which returns valid css color values.

class based style binding

We bind the target elements class attribute to Vue using v-bind:class and set it to a computed method named someFancyComputedValue

<div v-bind:class="someFancyComputedValue">Lorem Ipsum</div>

Our JS code would than look like:

// ...
computed: {
    // ...
    someFancyComputedValue() {
        if (this.condition) {
            return 'regularDivStyle';
        } else {
            return 'warningDivStyle';
    // ...

Of course that assumes that these selectors are defined in our CSS files:

div regularDivStyle {
    color: black;
div warningDivStyle {
    color: orange;   

Part 2

The second part is going to be about components, Vue build tools and testing. As a preparation for the build tools, we are going to separate our JS code from our HTML file into a file called app.vue.

Components Part 1

Components are parts of an application. The syntax for defining a component is:

const app = Vue.createApp({});
        'template': '<div>Minimalist static template</div>'

The component factory method takes two arguments. The first argument is the component name. In this case it's 'app-specific-name-for-component'. The defined component can now be used in the area where our Vue app is mounted:

<div id="vue-app">

Notice the that it's advised to use app as an additional namespace to avoid collisions with builtin HTML tags (e.g. in the case of header).

Vue build tools

The setup is going to be change to work with node and npm. For that I followed the instructions from

While the tutorial works with:

$ node -v
$ npm -v

I have:

$ node -v
$ npm -v

What could possibly go wrong?

The journey is continued with

npm init vue@latest

Today I got create-vue@3.5.0 vs create-vue@3.3.0 described in the tut.

Summary of init options: ✔ Project name: … vue-crud-manual-auto ✔ Add TypeScript? … No ✔ Add JSX Support? … No ✔ Add Vue Router for Single Page Application development? … No ✔ Add Pinia for state management? … No ✔ Add Vitest for Unit Testing? … Yes ✔ Add an End-to-End Testing Solution? › No ✔ Add ESLint for code quality? … Yes ✔ Add Prettier for code formatting? … No

After the right config for the folder was set in place we run:

npm install

The developement server in this version can be started with:

npm run dev

Components Part 2

Project structure

The structure of a node supported app is:

├── index.html
├── src
│   ├── App.vue
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── base.css
│   │   └── main.css
│   ├── components
│   │   └── AppHeader.vue
│   └── main.js

The most basic Structure here is the component AppHeader.vue. The components are going to be imported into App.vue and assembled to an app. The assembled app is going to be imported into main.js where the mounting will take place. main.js is going to be required from index.html.

Component Structure

The basic structure of a component file is:

<script setup>


<style scoped>

In this case the CSS defined here will only be applied to elements in that specific file. The scoped keyword is responsible for that.

layering of CSS Files

The most basic CSS (e.g. resetting or normalize) is paced inside base.css. base.css is imported into main.css with:

@import "./base.css";

Finally, base.css is imported into main.js with:

import './assets/main.css'

Unit Testing

In the tutorial unit testing is done with vitest.

File Structure

Tests are stored in the components folder within a subdirectory called __tests__. The naming convention for tests is <component name>.spec.js.

├── src
│   ├── App.vue
│   ├── assets
│   │   ├── base.css
│   │   └── main.css
│   ├── components
│   │   └── AppHeader.vue
│   │   └──__tests__ 
│   │   │   ├── AppHeader.spec.js
..  ..  ..  └── ..

Test Files

The test files include import statements and the actual test code. The following example in which the AppHeader.vue component is tested. Full test file

import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest'

import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import AppHeader from '@/components/AppHeader.vue'

describe('AppHeader.vue Test', () => {
  it('renders message when component is created', () => {

    const wrapper = shallowMount(AppHeader)
    expect(wrapper.text()).toMatch('Vue Project')

    const items = wrapper.findAll('li')

First, testing utilities are imported. They include

  • describe which is used to mark a test suit (i.e. a group of tests),
  • it which is used to define a single unit test. it is an alias for `test.
  • expect which is used to make assertions.
import { describe, it, expect } from 'vitest'
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils'
import AppHeader from '@/components/AppHeader.vue'

The suit of unit tests set up with describe. describe takes a description and the test functions as an argument.

describe('AppHeader.vue Test', () => {
    // individual tests

describe :

An individual test is written using test or its alies it

it('renders message when component is created', () => {
    // arrange act assert


To make assertions on the component we are testing, we will need to run that component. That is done with two utilities:

shallowMount will mock out subcomponents. This helps isolated testing but requires another step of testing which checks the interaction of child nd parent component.

const wrapper = shallowMount(AppHeader)

For that purpose, mount can be used which loads all child components.

const wrapper = mount(AppHeader)

wrapper object returned by mount and shallowMount:

Finally, the assertions can be done on the now live app/component:

expect(wrapper.text()).toMatch('Vue Project')
const items = wrapper.findAll('li')


Running The Tests

Tests can be run with:

npm run test:unit

Missing components were suggested to be installed when I ran the command the first time.

A suggested adjustment of the commands within package.json is:

  "scripts": {
    "test:unit": "vitest run --environment jsdom",
    "test:coverage": "vitest run --environment jsdom --coverage",
    "test:ui": "vitest --environment jsdom --coverage --ui",

After this part of the tutorial, this is what my output looks like:

 npm run test:coverage

> vue-crud-manual-auto@0.0.0 test:coverage
> vitest run --environment jsdom --coverage

 RUN  v0.25.8 /home/kan/dev/js/vue-crud-manual
      Coverage enabled with c8

 ✓ src/components/__tests__/AppFooter.spec.js (1)
 ✓ src/components/__tests__/AppContent.spec.js (1)
 ✓ src/components/__tests__/AppHeader.spec.js (1)
 ✓ src/components/__tests__/App.spec.js (1)

 Test Files  4 passed (4)
      Tests  4 passed (4)
   Start at  13:46:40
   Duration  3.00s (transform 328ms, setup 1ms, collect 820ms, tests 149ms)

 % Coverage report from c8
File             | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s 
All files        |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
 src             |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
  App.vue        |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
 src/components  |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
  AppContent.vue |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
  AppFooter.vue  |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   
  AppHeader.vue  |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |                   


Props describe properties which can span across the components' hierarchy. First, the title property need to marked to be dynamic:

// AppHeader.vue
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
    title: {type: String, required: true}

    <h1>{{ title }}</h1>

passing via attribute key-value during usage:

// App.vue
    <AppHeader title="Vue Project"></AppHeader>

passing props dynamically

passing prop values dynamically is recommended by the tutorial.

E.g. a variable named headerTitle is defined and initialized using ref.

// App.vue
    const headerTitle = ref("Vue Project (Dynamic)")

And connected to the property called title in the scope of the AppHeader component.

    <AppHeader v-bind:title="headerTitle"></AppHeader>

Just like in the static case, there must be a prop definition in the script part of the subcomponent:

// AppHeader.vue
<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
    title: {type: String, required: true}

changes to the unit tests

The structure of the unit tests can be kept as is. However, since the component now expects external data during initialisation, we will need to provide that additional data during tests by passing argument to the shallowMount function:

    const wrapper = shallowMount(
          propsData: {
            title: 'Vue Project'


slot are a way to inherit HTML like elements. In contrast, props are better to pass data across component hierarchies.

In the subordinate component we define the location for a slot like this:

        <slot name="message"></slot>

In the parent component, this slot can be used with another template tag:

    <template v-slot:message>Vue Project from</template>

The naming can be omitted if there is just one slot. A short version of v-slot:message would be #:message.

components part 3

In this part, a table similar to the one in part 1 was created. This time however with components and test coverage.

We defined created a new component ListUsers and defined the users data to be passed from the parent via props.

As learned earlier the defineProps function is used for that. It does not need to be imported.

<script setup>
const props = defineProps({
    users: {type: Array, required: true}

The component was than be assembled in the AppConent component.

import { ref } from '@vue/reactivity'
const users = ref([{
    // data

    <Listusers v-bind:users="users">

The table was dynamically rendered in the ListUsers component using the v-for directive learned in part 1. The unique key to bind HTML elements to was picked to be the property:

        // ...
<tr v-for="user in users" v-bind:key="">
    <td> {{ }}</td>
        // ...

custom events

Props were used to propagate data from a parent to a child component. Custom events enable data to flow the other way around. The AddNewUser component was created to showcase that.

The child component code

First, our data variables are defined and marked to be reactive:

const user = ref({
  name: '',
  username: '',
  email: ''

Note that the properties of the user variable (actually constant, but the values of the properties can be muted) can be read or set with:


ref reference.

Next the createUser event to be emitted was declared:

const emit = defineEmits(['createUser'])

Finally, the event and the arguments to it (form/field data) are prepared and emitted:

const addNewUser = () => {
  emit('createUser', {
    username: user.value.username,
  // Clear the variables used for reading in the new user's info = ''
  user.value.username = '' = ''

The emitting function is connected to the submit button. In our case, was used to block an HTTP Post trigger.

    <div class="field">
        <button v-on:click.prevent="addNewUser">Add User</button>

the parent component code

The parent component AppContent stores the user data. We want to add a new user to that array of user objects. First, the new component is imported to the component and instantiated in the template part:

<AddNewUser v-on:createUser="createNewUser"></AddNewUser>

An event listener is created for the createUser event and connected to the createNewUser callback.

The callback could be defined like this:

const createNewUser = (user) => {
  // Check that all fields are filled in before adding the user
  if (( !== '') && (user.username !== '') && ( !== '')) {
    var newUser = {
      id: users.value.length + 1,
      username: user.username,

    // Add the user to the local array of users

Unite Testing Part III

The testing repertoire was extended to setup and teardown methods. In vitest they are called beforeEach and afterEach.

import { describe, it, expect, beforeEach, afterEach } from 'vitest'

In the case of the tests of AddNewUser component the mounting of the component was moved out of the test in favour of hosting it in setup method.

Interestingly, the wrapper is a global variable and the setup and teardown method are defined in the file itself.

It was finally executed what was just mentioned before: A test suit function can have multiple individual unit test functions.

Interestingly the async was taken care of in the latter test functions.

describe('AddNewUser.vue Test', () => {
  it('initializes with correct elements', () => {

  it('emits an event when a new user with valid data is added', async () => {

  it('does not emit an event when a new user without data is added', async () => {

It was introduced on how a value can be set to an element:

  const nameInput = wrapper.find('#newName')
  await nameInput.setValue('Name1')
    // some action here
    // magic
    // ----

First, elements can be selected with their #id using the find method. A new value can be assigned to it using the setValue method. Since, we want the changes to be reflected in the app and JS runs async we want to await the setValue method to be sure, that it is done before we make actions or assertions based the value.

Finally, during assertions the current value of the element can be read using the syntax variableNameOfElement.element.value.

Interestingly, we can push buttons in our headless app. It needs to be awaited for the same reason as we awaited the setValue method.

  await wrapper.find('button').trigger('click')

Last but not least, we asked for emitted event with:

const emittedEvent = wrapper.emitted('createUser')

We can also call it without a specific event name. Below is the output of


placed in test called emits an event when a new user with valid data is added:

stdout | src/components/__tests__/AddNewUser.spec.js > AddNewUser.vue Test > emits an event when a new user with valid data is added
  input: [ [ [Event] ], [ [Event] ], [ [Event] ] ],
  change: [ [ [Event] ], [ [Event] ], [ [Event] ] ],
  createUser: [ [ [Object] ] ],
  click: [ [ [MouseEvent] ] ]

A reminder to have namespaced event names to avoid collisions with builtin or our own events.

Lifecycle Methods

A vue component or application has many stages from between the time the code arrives at the browser and the time the page is visibly rendered.


On each step we can place hooks which can selectivly execute code while our component passes through its lifecycle:

  • setup
  • beforeCreate
  • created
  • beforeMount
  • mounted
  • beforeUpdate
  • updated
  • beforeUnmount
  • unmounted


This code is run first. in the composition API which was used in the single file component approach since part 2 this was called with the script tag itself:

<script setup>

Using the options API the setup method could be plugged in with.

const app = Vue.createApp({
  setup() {
      console.log("setup was called")
// ..


... is called

  • after setup,
  • before data and props are called


... is called after

  • reactive data,
  • computed properties,
  • methods and
  • watchers are available


... runs before the Vue instance is mounted into the Vue app or DOM element, meaning that the code is not yet rendered to DOM elements itself.


... is run after the component or Vue app has been mounted, implying that all templates and logic within it was rendered to DOM elements and the style has been applied to the elements.


... is run when reactive data which the component depends on changes. An update for the respective component is queued.


... is run after the change in reactive data has been reflected in the components appearance.


... is called when an unmount event is queued but not executed yet. Everything is still functionally intact at this point in time.


... is called after

  • all child components have been unmounted
  • computed properties are stopped
  • watchers are unplugged

Could be used for clean up.

The code is placed into the part-3-lifecycle-hooks branch.

Loading Data via HTTP GET

The code in this chapter was developed beginning with the tests. True TDD.

Install Axios and its MockAdapter

axios is JS library to do HTTP requests. The requests package of JS so to speak.

npm install axios --save

The --save flag adds the package to package.json as the prod dependency.

During the unit tests however we do not want to hit the real API. For this purpose axios-mock-adapter is installed to the development requirements. It has a similar purpose like mock and MagicMock for Python but is more targeted to the axios library.

npm install axios-mock-adapter --save-dev

Axios Docs: Axios Mock Adapter Docs:

Test Cases

Multiple Suits per File and Multiple Tests per Suit

It was shown that you can have several test suits in one file (i.e. describe sections) just as well as multiple individual unit tests (i.e. test() or short it)

The Mocking Library

The mocking library is instantiated on the file level using:

let mock = new MockAdapter(axios)

As such it is available for all test suits and unit test functions.

In contrast to an earlier test file the beforeEach and afterEach were defined within the describe section. As the setup for each testsuite is going to be different, and we want to use multiple testsuits within the same file it makes sense to narrow down the scope of the setup and teardown methods. Importantly regarding the mock we want to reset it:

  afterEach(() => {

So it's cheaper to hit reset instead of getting a fresh new instance?

Catching the Lifecylce Method

The target location for the HTTP request is going to be the onMounted hook. It's done after the first render to improve UX. To be ready for the hook being called

  1. the mock needs to be configured
  2. before the component is mounted using e.g. shallowMount
Configuring the Mock

The response on a get method of the axios library can be defined per URL with a specific status code integer, data object and header object

beforeEach( () => {
    mock.onGet(url).reply(statusCode, data, header)

Just as well we can raise a timeout error:


The same pattern works for mocking other HTTP methods. Responses to the HTTP POST method would be mocked with mock.onPost(...)

We can return any status code. As such we could test our code to handle 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, or rogue ones.


The Application Code

The HTTP request logic is packed into the onMounted lifecycle hook. The syntax of the axios library is:

    .then((response) => {})
    .catch((error) => {})

Interestingly the async keyword was necessary to make the code work.

The Banner Component

This will recap many topics previously touched.


The data on which the banner is based is the result of the HTTP request to the remote API. Since the call to the API takes place in AppContent, it makes sense to define the data there.

Since it's going to be used in a child component the way to go is props In the parent component the constants are marked reactive using ref.

const messageToDisplay = ref('')
const messageType = ref('info')

In the child component the props are defined using defineProps: Implicitly, they are marked as not required.

const props = defineProps({
    bannerMessage: String,
    bannerType: String


Emits are a way to send data or a signal from the child to the parent component. In our case, the Banner component will host a button to clear the message with click. Signal will be emitted to the parent component which can take care of mounting it.

The emit is declared in the child component.

const emit = defineEmits(['clearBanner'])

It is then hooked to the HTML element via the callback which will formally emit the signal:

<script setup>
const clearBannerMessage = () =>  {
<span v-on:click="clearBannerMessage">Clear</span>

A listener is placed during the usage of the Banner component in the parent:

<Banner v-on:clearBanner="clearMessage"></Banner>

If the clearBanner event is emitted from the Banner component, the clearMessage callback will be triggered:

const clearMessage = () => {
  messageToDisplay.value = ''
  messageType.value = 'Info'

The development was shortcut by one variable: the e.g. showBanner variable of boolean type. This was done by connecting the bannerMessage called property in the Banner component with the div element containing most of the banner.

<div v-show="bannerMessage">
    <!-- -->

An emtpy string in JavaScript evaluates to false

Computed Property

The background color of the Banner was designed to match the status of the HTTP request result. This means that it at least switches it value once from default to success or error.

A way to handle such a situation is a computed property. As the reactive data which is used in the method changes, the computed property is recomputed and so are elements depending on its value:

import { computed } from  'vue'

const bannerBackgroundColor = computed(() => {
  if (props.bannerType === 'Error') {
    return 'red'
  } else if (props.bannerType === 'Success') {
    return 'green'
  } else {
    return 'blue'

This computed property is connected to the banner via v-bind:style directive set in the containing div element

<div v-bind:style="{ 'background-color': bannerBackgroundColor }">

Communicating the HTTP request Result via Side Effect

The AppContent module contains the API query. It is extended by setting the appropriate banner message and type via side effects:

onMounted(async () => {

   .then((response) => {
       messageType.value = 'Success'
       messageToDisplay.value = '...' 
   .catch((error) => {
       messageType.value = 'Error'
       messageToDisplay.value = '...'

Refactoring Ideas

TODO The strings for the banner message, color and type could be defined in module and exported within an object. That would reduce the possibility for typos since it DRYs up the strings. I'm especially thingking about the test methods.

Defining those strings in a module would also reduce maintenance burden and enable better visibility of the usage in the IDE.

Testing Error Cases

flushPromises was used to await the effects of the error handling promis. The documentation on that says:

Why not just await button.trigger() ? As explained above, there is a difference between the time it takes for Vue to update its components, and the time it takes for a Promise, like the one from axios to resolve.

A nice rule to follow is to always await on mutations like trigger or setProps. If your code relies on something async, like calling axios, add an await to the flushPromises call as well.


Creating a POST request

The createNewUser method in AppContent was extended to include a POST call using Axios. Afterwards, the users prop was adjusted to the API call.

In reality, we would never include the ID upon creation but would leave that for the backend and adjust our JS data accordingly.

The API responds with the exact data which was sent to it. That's why we got out of the woods in this tutorial. We used our previously created banner to additionally display the status of the API call.

The tests were mostly similar to the previous two chapters. In this chapter, the post call for th API was additionally configured.

Delete Data via HTTP

A button was added to each row of the html table. The buttons were hooked up to trigger the deleteUserCallback callback.

<button v-on:click="deleteUserCallback(user)">Delete</button>

Of course, that event needed to be declared fist in the setup part:

// ListUsers.vue
const emit = defineEmits(['deleteUser'])

The deleteUserCallback then emitted the signal to the parent component

const deleteUserCallback = (user) => {
  emit('deleteUser', user)

The signal was listened to on the parent component and triggered the callback with the same name as the event:

// AppContent.vue
<ListUsers v-on:deleteUser="deleteUser"}

The deleteUser callback then did the API call using the axios library. In this case, all data of the user was sent to endpoint. However, in reality the endpoint, request data and response data would depend on the used API.

In this chapter I utilized the template string of JS to compose the banner message. The URL could have been rendered in a similar way:


As part of the success method, the users array needed to be adjusted to reflect the deletion of the user.

First we needed to identify the index of the specific user in our current array:

const indexOfUserToDelete = users.value.indexOf(userObject)

Then, we needed to remove the user from the array:

users.value.splice(indexOfUserToDelete, 1)

A JS basic which was used in this part:

> const list = [{id: 0}, {id: 1}, {id: 2}]
> const removedElement = list.splice(1, 1)
> list
 [{id: 0},  {id: 2}]
> removedElement
{id: 1}

TODO Instead, I think I would prefer to do a GET request instead and just reload a clean version of the data.

The tests showed the extension on the mock to cover a successful and failing DELETE request. Some refactoring was done.

TODO I would go a step further and write a test utils module.

Updating Data via HTTP PUT

This was by far the most complex component of the course yet.


We want to be able to edit a user entry in the table.

  1. We want an edit button next to delete button. (It's not a good idea since to place edit right next to delete without space from UX perspective)
  2. When the edit button is click we want a modal to open.
  3. The modal should have fields to edit name, username and email.
  4. These fields should be initialized with the data of the user whose edit button was clicked. (i.e. user data in the same row as clicked edit button)
  5. The modal should have a submit and a cancel button.
  6. If the user clicks anywhere else outside the modal, it's interpreted as cancel.
  7. The cancel button should discard all changes.
  8. The submit button should a) send a query to the backend to update the data b) show the result of the update request to the backend
    c) update the state of the user in the app accordingly

Other Lessons

  • Array.findIndex(callable -> bool) to get the index of the first object matching a filter function
  • Object.keys({a: 0, b: 1}) to get the names of the properties of an object
  • One attribute="value" per line style of coding to make code changes easier to figure out
  • Inspect the outgoing request data in e.g. POST and PUT queries to match expectations.
  • expect(editButtons[1].isVisible()).toBe(true) syntax to be
  • expect(wrapper.vm.showEditModal).not.toBeTruthy() syntax to check that sth evaluates to false
  • expect has very rich methods and compares to the django unit tests (with other names)
  • events where reraised in an intermediate component (e.g. updateUser)
  • v-if was used to clear the state of the modal
  • v-on:click.stop="" was used to block the registration of click events on the modal
  • dynamic assignment of HTML ID Tag (v-bind:id="deleteButton-${}")

Part 4 - Pinia and Vue Router and Deployment

Pinia I

Pinia is a state management tool, which describes the centralized management of globally (i.e. used application wide) used data.

  • Store: describes the storage location of our data
  • State: describes the global data in our store(s)
  • Getters: describes methods for read access to data within a store
  • Actions: describes methods for write access to data within a store


npm install pinia

And its testing tool

npm install @pinia/testing --save-dev

Usage within Vue

It's used as a plugin in our application

// src/main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
import App from './App.vue'

import './assets/main.css'

const pinia = createPinia()
const app = createApp(App)


Setting Up a Store

We created a new dir in the src dir called store and created a new JS module.

In this case the banner.js name was chosen.

import { defineStore } from 'pinia'

export const useBannerStore = defineStore("banner", {
    state: () => ({}),
    getters: {},
    actions: {}

Pinia II

This chapter showed how the props bannerMessage and bannerType were refactored to be stored and managed using Pinia.

TDD of the Data Store

The data is stored in properties of the store object. Two properties with the same name as the props were created in the state property of the bannerStore Pinia object and initialized.

    state: () => ({
        bannerMessage: '',
        bannerType: 'Info'

Similarly, the getters and actions objects were populated with methods. In the case of the getters property, the methods return the value of the property in the state object. The state object is injected as an argument to every method in the getters object.

getters: {
  getBannerMessage: (state) => { return state.bannerMessage }

The actions object methods are a bit different. They take the new data as arguments. After some modification/verification or other steps the existing data can be overwritten using the this keyword.

// ..
actions: {
  setBannerData(message, type) {
    this.bannerMessage = message
    this.bannerType = type
// ..

Refactoring the Tests and Application Code

Since the props are not supposed to be used anymore their inspection hast to be refactored towards checking the value of the properties in the respective store.

That required some changes to the test setup.

  1. the pinia mocking library and the store was imported
  2. the mount and shallowMount calls were advanced by
  • adding the fake pinia as plugin
  • assigning a "spy" function on it which works like magic mock in python
  • defining an initial state for the values of the stored properties if needed
  • and providing above as a factory, such that the initial state could be set within the test
  const factory = (
    initialBannerMessage = '',
    initialBannerType = 'Info'
  ) => {
    const wrapper = shallowMount(Banner, {
        global: {
          plugins: [
              createSpy: vi.fn,
              initialState: {
                banner: {
                  bannerMessage: initialBannerMessage,
                  bannerType: initialBannerType
    const bannerStore  = useBannerStore()
    return { wrapper, bannerStore }

createSpy docs:

Assertions like these, which used the props

    expect(wrapper.vm.messageToDisplay).toMatch('SUCCESS! Loaded user data!')

were refactored to be based on the bannerStore

    expect(bannerStore.setBannerData).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith('', 'Info')

2 New cool assertions thanks to the usage of the spy function:

Anything else

I found that I sent the delete signal with smaller version of the user object. In the actual delete method users.indexOf(user) was used to get the index. However, indexOf expect an exact match, not a partial, at least for objects.

As a result I always got the index -1, which of course is wrong and indicates an error. Funny enough it still worked to delete one user, but not the one a human user would have wanted to.

I fixed it by sending the complete user object as part of the call to emit.

Vue Router

The router is an object to construct multiple routes for the application. Rest principle. The way to implent this in vue is with vue-router which is used as a plugin like pinia.

Router and Routes Definitions

The code for the routing is put in a separate folder.

├── index.html
├── src
│   ├── App.vue
│   ├── components
│   ├── router
        ├── index.js

The needed pieces of code are createRouter to create a ... router and an object to configure how the URL should work.

import { createRouter, createWebHistory } from 'vue-router'

const router = createRouter({
  history: createWebHistory(import.meta.env.BASE_URL),
  routes: []

export default router

createWebHistory will create URL in the structure of However, they describe that web server config could have a difficulty with that.

The config nginx config described in the docs for that is:

location / {
  try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;


Interestingly, we also learned how to use environment variables here:



To be reachable, the module needs to export the variable. In that case we can import the router variable using import { router } from '@/router/index'. Thx to the export default we will not need to name the var and use import Alias from '@/router/index''.

The Individual routes are described with an object of three properties: path, name and component.

// routes
      path: '/blog',
      name: 'blog',
      // route level code-splitting
      // this generates a separate chunk (Blog.[hash].js) for this route
      // which is lazy-loaded when the route is visited.
      component: () => import('../views/BlogView.vue')

The component can be described with import("path/to/the/module") or the component can be imported and used in the definition

Plugging the Router into the Application

The router is plugged in like pinia into the Vue application. Unlike pinia however, we plug in the configured var of our router module instead of the library.

import router from './router'

Usage in the View

Usually, in an SPA, the main/center component is switched out. In our case the AppContent component is switched out with a URL aware placeholder component called RouterView

<script setup>
import { RouterView } from 'vue-router'

// ...

Indicating the current Location

Lastly, the current location can be highlighted on the HTML itself. But for that, we need to use the RouterLink element of the vue-router

 <li><RouterLink to="/">Home</RouterLink></li>

This link component injects class="router-link-active and router-link-exact-active classes into the a HTML tag which is currently active.


Like pinia, the router is passed into the mount function

const wrapper = mount(App, {
      global: {
          plugins: [
                  createSpy: vi.fn

If we want to test the site with specific route we will need to use:

await router.push('/')

in case we want to hit the landing page. That makes it necessary to use the async keyword on the test callback declaration.

If we want to test sth which depends on the current route we will need to use mount instead of shallowMount (see tests for AppHeader)


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