Just a simple arduino library to use differential steering with two motors. The compute is fully based in the impulseAdventure code.
Download this repository as a .zip file and from the Arduino IDE go to Sketch -> Include library -> Add .ZIP Library.
You can import the library in your code using the Arduino IDE going to Sketch -> Include library -> DifferentialSteering or directly writing the include statement in your code:
#include "DifferentialSteering.h"
The library works with [-127, 127] range, both the input and output methods, i. e., you will need to map your X,Y joystick values to [-127,127] prior the compute, and the result will also be in [-127, 127].
This sketch uses the Joystick library I wrote to control with a single dual axis joystick.
In examples/differentialSteringSingleJoystick.ino yo can see the library in action.
First, initialize a DifferentialSteering object with the proper pivot limit:
int fPivYLimit = 32;
DifferentialSteering DiffSteer;
void setup () {
Then, compute differential steering with the joystick outputs. Keep in mind that the inputs of computeMotors method have to be mapped to [-127, 127]:
int XValue = map(yourXRaw, yourLowRange, yourHighRange, -127, 127);
int YValue = map(yourYRaw, yourLowRange, yourHighRange, -127, 127);
DiffSteer.computeMotors(XValue, YValue);
Ultimatelty, do something with motor outputs, like mapping to your desire range (e.g. PWM value). The output range will be [-127, 127]:
int leftMotor = DiffSteer.computedLeftMotor();
int rightMotor = DiffSteer.computedRightMotor();