Kde plasma/kwin script to cycle through windows with hotkeys
plasmapkg -t kwinscript -i .
You can enable or disable the plugin, after installation, using System Settings, under Window Behaviour › KWin Scripts.
Use hotkeys defined at the bottom of winactivate.kwinscript to cycle through windows of the same type (Meta is usually the Windows key)
Here is an example definition: add2windowgroup("virtual", /virtualbox/); add2windowgroup("virtual", /wine/, /.TeamViewer./); registerBoth("Meta+V", "virtual", "virtualbox");
This defines a new group "virtual" which matches 2 types of window:
- The ones whose classname is virtualbox
- The ones whose classname is wine and title contains TeamViewer
The hotkey Win+V is then registered for:
- cycling through matching windows if there are any
- launching program virtualbox otherwise