Waffle is the first system to hide data access patterns adaptively, without requiring to known the input data access distribution, under a passive persistent adversary. Waffle incurs a constant bandwidth and client-side storage overhead, both of which can be configured by an application owner.
- cmake-3.5+
- redis-server (https://redis.io/docs/getting-started/installation/install-redis-on-linux/ )
After installing the requirements, run
sh build.sh
inside waffleClient folder
NOTE: Although Waffle is intended & recommended to run on 3 different machines, we can still run all the three processes on the same machine.
Running Waffle requires atleast 3 machines:
- Client with a CLIENT_IP and CLIENT_PORT
- Proxy with a PROXY_IP
- Redis backing storage server with STORAGE_SERVER_IP and STORAGE_PORT
First start the storage server
Then start the proxy:
(Example: ./bin/proxy_server -l tracefiles/proxy_server_command_line_input.txt -b 1200 -r 800 -f 100 -d 100000 -c 2 -n 1 -h -p 6379 )
Waffle will now initialize. After the proxy says it's reachable launch the benchmark code:
./bin/proxy_benchmark -t <TRACE_FILE> -h <PROXY_IP> -p <PROXY_PORT> -n <NUM_CLIENTS>
(Example: ./bin/proxy_benchmark -t tracefiles/proxy_benchmark_command_line_input.txt -h -p 9090 )
After completion the benchmark will display the throughput during the run. There will be a new folder in the data folder that contains one file for each client displaying the latency of each operation in nanoseconds.