ToDo: Document more things
PiCli is a python client for PiedPiper, a CI-pipeline validation framework.
Additional documentation for PiedPiper can be found here: (
A local development environment can be configured using the following Ansible collection: (
Follow these instructions to turn a new machine into a PiedPiper development environment:
# the "org" variable should be the name of your organization
# the "repo" variable should be the name of the repo containing your fork of afcyber-dream/ansible-collection-pidev
# the "env" variable should be the nickname of the environment you wish to provision
# once you have set these three variables, run this command as `root` (not a sudo user):
bash <(curl -s${org}/${repo}/master/ ${org}/${repo} ${env}
Please refer to the README
of that repository for further information.
- Python 3.6
- (Optionally) virtualenv
- PiedPiper OpenFaaS functions installed. (See above)
docker build -t picli .
docker run -it picli /bin/sh
python install
To run PiCli:
picli --config path/to/your/repo/piedpier.d/pi_global_vars.yml lint
picli --config path/to/your/repo/piedpier.d/pi_global_vars.yml validate
picli --debug validate
Debug will dump PiCli's run_vars to the screen during execution. This allows the user to validate PiCli's configuration that is being sent to the various functions.
Currently we just have functional tests and linting tests. These require an
OpenFaaS installation. The test script can be found in
To run the lint tests use tox: tox -e lint
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Inspiration for the CLI framework came from the Ansible Molecule project