Under development. To see working demo, checkout the alpha-demo tag here
A simple network visualizer for the Lightning Network that allows users to explore the network map from the perspective of their own node.
Data Displayed:
- Geolocation of all publicly announced IP address on Lightning
- Visual routes between announced nodes
- Lists all channels for a selected node
- Lists the policy details for a selected channel
Tech Used:
- Typescript
- Express.js
- Vue.js
- Deck.gl & Mapbox
- Postgres
- LND Lightning Node
- IPStack for IP Geolocation
- Install LND using the btcd operating mode according to the tutorial here
git clone https://github.com/djrobinson/visualize-lightning.git
- Open up 2 terminals
Terminal 1
cd visualize-lightning/server
touch .env
- Sign up for a IPStack API Key
- Update the .env file with your keys & certs, should look like:
knex migrate:latest --env development
yarn start
Terminal 2
cd visualize-lightning/web
yarn serve
Populate DB with LND describegraph
info & gather IP locations
- Open the app at http://localhost:8080
- Click the "Data" tab
- Click the "Describe Graph" button
- Go back to the map, verify that nodes and channels show up on the map and in the side pane