the message "No products found." at browse.html by version 3.2.5 #4366
Hi, thank you for nice library.
Found a bug? Please fill out the sections below.
Issue Summary
By version 3.2.5, I created a product, product detail page was made, but there is no product on catalogue and category page.
I install version 3.2.4 and the product is displayed.
Steps to Reproduce
It's essential that you provide enough information for someone else to replicate the problem you're seeing. Simply describing something that's broken on your current project is not enough!
- pip install django-oscar[sorl-thumbnail]==3.2.5
- setting like
- runserver and create a product on dashboard
- access
Any other relevant information. For example, why do you consider this a bug and what did you expect to happen instead?
pip install django-oscar[sorl-thumbnail]==3.2.4, and problem was solved.
and I have reviewed the code for version 3.2.5 and found that below code affects this problem.
virtualenv_name\Lib\site-packages\oscar\apps\search\ line 25
sqs = sqs.filter_and(is_public="true", structure__in=["standalone", "parent"])
Technical details
Python 3.9.6
Package Version
asgiref 3.8.1
babel 2.16.0
Django 4.2.16
django-extensions 3.2.3
django-extra-views 0.14.0
django-haystack 3.3.0
django-oscar 3.2.5
django-phonenumber-field 6.4.0
django-tables2 2.3.4
django-treebeard 4.7.1
django-widget-tweaks 1.5.0
factory-boy 3.2.1
Faker 30.0.0
packaging 24.1
phonenumbers 8.13.46
pillow 10.4.0
pip 21.1.3
purl 1.6
pycountry 24.6.1
python-dateutil 2.9.0.post0
setuptools 56.0.0
six 1.16.0
sorl-thumbnail 12.9.0
sqlparse 0.5.1
typing-extensions 4.12.2
tzdata 2024.2
Best regards