see example here:
1. npm i (to install all the dependencies on package.json)
2. and run npm start on your terminal
see here:
1. got to your console API google:
2. create a project
3. create crdential
4. choose oAuth clientID
5. click website service radio button
6. and you got client ID and secret
7. and go visit this link:
redirect_uri & client_id : the same as your credential app redirect_uri & client_id it will response 404 page, but you just need the "code". save the code for the next step
code is code, client_id is still the same, client_secret: you can see it at you credential too, take the access_token from the response.
and now you'll have all the things you need.
then the cool part,
simply follow this 3 steps:
1. npm i -g now
2. go to the file directory
3. now "or" /usr/local/Cellar/node/6.3.1/bin/now
4. wait till it done uploading, and save the url they gave you in the terminal
5. go to postman, and have fun