A tiny , cross platform and easy to use network library
You may have used many network libraries, like libevent , libev. Those libraries are greate, so why bother another one ? Because tiny network is a library design for small server that doesn't need to support C10K. It is extreamly tiny and easy to use. Since it only has 2 files, it is easy to integrate it into your project.
The only 2 functions you need to know is 1) accept callback and 2) connection callback. The concept is very simple. struct net_connection_t represent everthing that is not a server( not only a connection, also could be a timer) . struct net_server_t is a structure represents the server. Lastly a struct net_buffer_t is used to help you handle network read/write buffer. Then you are all set.
#include <network.h>
// This connection callback will be invoked after each connection registered
// interested events _FINISHED_ .
int conn_cb( int ev , int ec , struct net_connection* conn ) {
if( ec ) {
return NET_EV_CLOSE;
} else {
if( ev & NET_EV_READ ) {
// echo whatever we read from peer back
size_t read_sz;
void* read_buf = net_buffer_consume(&(conn->in),&read_sze);
} else {
return NET_EV_CLOSE;
// This callback function will be invoked for every connection that has been accepted
int accept_cb( int ec , struct net_server* ser ,struct net_connection* conn ) {
if( ec ) {
return NET_EV_CLOSE;
} else {
conn->cb = conn_cb;
return NET_EV_READ;
int main() {
struct net_server ser;
if( net_server_create(&ser,"",accept_cb) != 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"cannot create server");
return -1;
for(;;) {
return 0;
The above is a echo server that works well.
Just notify the tiny network library what you want to do in next callback and then all the IO operations will be performed correctly.
- Make
- Visual Studio
- Windows
- Linux
##Dependency NO