#Ban Russia from SWIFT! Protect Ukrainian Sky! Send NATO to Ukraine! #BanRussiafromSwift #CloseTheSky #SendNatoToUkraine
GaugeMeterView can be used for create meter indicators which give ability for customizations.
Via CocoaPods:
pod 'GaugeMeterView'
You can use such code:
let gaugeMeterView = GaugeMeterView()
gaugeMeterView.gaugeAngle = 30.0
gaugeMeterView.arrowBorderColor = UIColor.black
gaugeMeterView.gaugeRangeValuesColor = UIColor.black
gaugeMeterView.ranges = [(value: 100.0, color: blue, title: "Low"), (value: 200, color: green, title: "Medium"), (value: 300.0, color: red, title: "High")]
gaugeMeterView.value = 120.0
- iOS8+ only