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MATLAB bindings for JIGSAW: a Delaunay-based unstructured mesh generator.


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JIGSAW: An unstrutured mesh generator


JIGSAW is a Delaunay-based unstructured mesh generator for two- and three-dimensional geometries. It is designed to generate high-quality triangular and tetrahedral meshes for planar, surface and volumetric problems. JIGSAW is based on a recently developed "restricted" Frontal-Delaunay algorithm -- a hybrid technique combining many of the best features of advancing-front and Delaunay-refinement type approaches.

JIGSAW is a stand-alone mesh generator written in C++. This toolbox provides a MATLAB // OCTAVE based scripting interface, including file I/O, mesh visualisation and post-processing facilities. In addition to mesh generation, a set of file conversion utilities are also provided, allowing JIGSAW to read and write meshes using a number of popular geometry dialects, including the VTK, OFF, STL and MESH formats.

JIGSAW is currently available for 64-bit Windows and Linux platforms.


JIGSAW itself is a fully self-contained executable, without dependencies on third-party libraries or run-time packages. To make use of JIGSAW's scripting interface, users are required to have access to a working MATLAB and / or OCTAVE installation.

Starting Out

After downloading and unzipping the current repository, navigate to the installation directory within MATLAB // OCTAVE and run the set of examples contained in meshdemo.m:

meshdemo(1); % build surface-meshes
meshdemo(2); % build volume-meshes
meshdemo(3); % preserve "sharp-features" in piecewise smooth domains
meshdemo(4); % build planar-meshes -- impose topological constraints
meshdemo(5); % build planar-meshes -- explore mesh-size controls

Additional information, documentation, online tutorials and references are available here.


If you make use of JIGSAW please reference appropriately. The algorithmic developments behind JIGSAW have been the subject of a number of publications, beginning with my PhD research at the University of Sydney:

[1] - Darren Engwirda, Locally-optimal Delaunay-refinement and optimisation-based mesh generation, Ph.D. Thesis, School of Mathematics and Statistics, The University of Sydney, September 2014,

[2] - Darren Engwirda, David Ivers, Off-centre Steiner points for Delaunay-refinement on curved surfaces, Computer-Aided Design, Volume 72, March 2016, Pages 157-171, ISSN 0010-4485,

[3] - Darren Engwirda, Voronoi-based Point-placement for Three-dimensional Delaunay-refinement, Procedia Engineering, Volume 124, 2015, Pages 330-342, ISSN 1877-7058,