I think it is a very noob thing to ask, but how to make SVG work? In the features panel I can't select the div or canvas with the code. Here is a sample:
new Scene({
"[data-linedrawing] svg path": {
"0": "stroke-dasharray: 4450 4450",
"0>": "stroke-dasharray: 0 4450",
"0.3": "stroke-dasharray: 360 4450",
"1.2": "stroke-dasharray: 1450 4450",
"2": "stroke-dasharray: 2400 4450",
"2.6": "stroke-dasharray: 3000 4450",
"3.1": "stroke-dasharray: 4450 4450",
}, {
iterationCount: "infinite",
easing: "ease-in",
selector: true,
Where is the selector parameter? I tried this code many time but nothing is showing up.