sudo yum install jna
sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/datastax.repo
name = DataStax Repo for Apache Cassandra
baseurl =
enabled = 1
gpgcheck = 0
sudo yum install dsc20
sudo service cassandra start
sudo service cassandra status
== CQL ==
-- "show keyspaces" equivalent select * from system.schema_keyspaces;
-- replication strategy: CREATE KEYSPACE twissandra WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 3};
USE twissandra;
-- data types: CREATE TABLE users ( username text PRIMARY KEY, password text); CREATE TABLE following ( username text, followed text, PRIMARY KEY(username, followed));
CREATE TABLE followers ( username text, following text, PRIMARY KEY(username, following));
-- uuid - 100 nanoseconds till 1582 + MAC adress, more granular than unixtimestamp, globally unique CREATE TABLE tweets ( tweetid uuid PRIMARY KEY, username text, body text);
-- Materialized view of the tweets - user's timeline -- Think in terms of your queries - don't be afraid of duplication (space is cheap) -- Go wide - rows can have 2 billion columns -- P.S. What you see is not what you get (c) -- CREATE TABLE timeline ( username text, created_by text, tweetid timeuuid, body text, PRIMARY KEY(username, tweetid) );
-- Denormalized view of userline (their tweets) CREATE TABLE userline ( username text, tweetid timeuuid, body text, PRIMARY KEY(username, tweetid) );
-- TTL allows to delete old values (eg. older than 24h) INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES ('jsmith', 'changeme') USING TTL 86400;
SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = 'jsmith';
ALTER TABLE users ADD country varchar; CREATE INDEX country_key ON users (country);
INSERT INTO users (username, password, country) VALUES ('ted', 'changeme', 'UK'); INSERT INTO users (username, password, country) VALUES ('paul', 'changeme', 'US');
SELECT * FROM users WHERE country='UK';
-- Add testing data (notice the denormalisation) INSERT INTO following (username, followed) VALUES ('jsmith', 'ted'); INSERT INTO following (username, followed) VALUES ('jsmith', 'paul'); INSERT INTO following (username, followed) VALUES ('paul', 'ted');
INSERT INTO followers (username, following) VALUES ('paul', 'jsmith'); INSERT INTO followers (username, following) VALUES ('ted', 'jsmith'); INSERT INTO followers (username, following) VALUES ('ted', 'paul');
-- Given a username, gets the usernames of the people that the user is following. SELECT followed FROM following WHERE username = 'jsmith';
-- Given a username, gets the usernames of the people following that user SELECT following FROM followers WHERE username = 'ted';
-- Add some tweets INSERT INTO tweets ( tweetid, username, body ) VALUES ( 60780342-90fe-11e2-8823-0026c650d722, 'jsmith', 'victory is mine!' );
INSERT INTO userline ( tweetid, username, body ) VALUES ( 60780342-90fe-11e2-8823-0026c650d722, 'jsmith', 'victory is mine!' );
-- add the same tweet into all followers timelines INSERT INTO timeline ( tweetid, username, created_by, body ) VALUES ( 60780342-90fe-11e2-8823-0026c650d722, 'paul', 'jsmith', 'victory is mine!' );
-- Given a username, get their tweet timeline (tweets from people they follow). SELECT tweetid, created_by, body FROM timeline WHERE username = 'paul' ORDER BY tweetid DESC LIMIT 10;
-- Given a username, get their userline (their tweets) SELECT tweetid, body FROM userline WHERE username = 'jsmith' ORDER BY tweetid DESC LIMIT 20;