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Live Q/A Platform for online conferences and lectures

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Union Booth

This project is a combination of Live Questions, FAQ and Support Resources repository functionality meant to be a helper tool for educators doing Online Delivery.

Planned functionality is having unique cohort spaces, timed unlock for lessons, live questions supported by sockets, admin space to monitor and moderate the questions, persistent FAQ and Additional Lesson Resources.

Current functionality:

  • register for an account
  • support for account roles
  • adding programs, cohorts and topics
  • managing live topics
  • managing users and team member roles
  • posting questions
  • replying to the questions
  • question and replies management (edit/delete) by posters and moderators
  • moderating a question as being currently answered or answered by a moderator
  • converting cohort questions to persistent FAQs.

Project Structure

  • /register - Register a new user (with support for moderator or admin roles)
  • /login - Logs in a user
  • / - Landing page with Register/Login links for anonymous user, live questions for active lecture for signed in user (ask a question, add an answer, mark question as being answered by the moderator)
  • /topics - All unlocked topics for a program
  • /topics/:topicSlug/faqs - FAQs for a topic
  • /topics/:topicSlug/resources - Resources for a topic
  • /admin - Admin Section
  • /admin/programs - Managing programs
  • /admin/cohorts - Managing cohorts
  • /admin/topics - Managing topics
  • /admin/active-cohort - Managing active cohort's unlocked and active topics
  • /admin/faqs - List of active program topics for topic FAQs
  • /admin/faqs/:topicSlug - Managing topic FAQs (publishing live questions, adding new QA, edit/deactivate existing QAs)
  • /admin/resources - List of active program topics for topic resources
  • /admin/resources/:topicSlug - Managing topic resources (adding/editing/deactivating resources)
  • /admin/users - Managing users and team members

Environment Variables



Check .env.example for an example of .env file.

Running the Project

Once you have cloned the project, install Redis, create the PostgreSQL DB (defined in .env file), install dependencies and run the project in development mode:

cd union-booth
npm install
npm run dev

This will start the development server on localhost:3000. Open it and click around.

GraphQL Playground is available at http://localhost:3000/graphql.

Project Tech Stack

  • Svelte
  • Sapper
  • Apollo GraphQL (Server, Client, Subscriptions)
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis
  • Sequelize
  • Markdown


Currently the app is configured to be deployed on Qovery. Make sure you install Qovery CLI for deployment tasks.

First, fork or clone the union-booth repo to your own GitHub account.

  • Create Qovery Account
  • Create a new project (ie: union-booth)
  • Create a new environment (ie: production)
  • Create a new application (ie: union-booth for App name, then select the union-booth repo from your GitHub, enter the branch name (ie: main), keep Root application path as /).

On application page, click on Settings. Make sure to click Save for every tab change.

  • In General tab, change Build mode to "Dockerfile", keep Dockerfile path as Dockefile
  • In Resources tab, change vCPU to 1 and RAM to 512.
  • In Storage tab, click + Add, change Mount point to /mnt/static and size to 10 GB
  • In Port tab, add 8080 as a port and in Advanced settings under meatball menu ensure the Publicly setting is checked

Go back to environment page (ie: production), click + Add and then Database (twice):

  • Enter union-booth-postgres as a name, POSTGRESQL as a Type, 12 as a Version
  • Enter union-booth-redis as a name, REDIS as a Type, 6 as a Version

On an environment page, click on each database and under Actions select Deploy. You might need to deploy it one at a time. You might also get some deploy errors (Redis in particular), but try the full deploy process described below anyway.

Go back to application page, click + Add, then Database and then select both Union-Booth-Redis and Union-Booth-Postgres databases you have added. It might take a while for DB to appear in the list or try refreshing the environment and application pages.

On an application page go into Environment Variables tab and under Secret variables and Environment Variables, in a meatball menu, Create alias for following keys:


Before deploying set environment variables required for the app:

  • Add SESSION_SECRET. You can use result of running node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(32).toString('hex'));" in your Terminal as a value.
  • Add ENV_TYPE with a value of qovery.

You can now deploy the app (from application page).

After deploying, check the URL generated for your app (On application page, you can go to Actions, then Open) and add these environment variables:

  • Add SERVER_URL with a URL value, ie:, make sure to not include the "https://" and trailing slash.
  • Add PORT with a value of 8080 to allow for public access to the app.

Restart your app from Actions dropdown of the application page.

To view the deployment log go on an environment page, and select Show Logs.

Once your application is deployed to view the application logs you can use qovery log command in the Terminal.

Deploying to Custom Production Environment

For deploying to a non Qovery environment, do a global search for // Custom production config in the project and update the values accordingly to your server and environment configuration.

Manual Deploy

For VPS, git pull latest in /union-booth root folder (for Jenkins build it's /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/union-booth), run npm run build to build the production package and then stop currently running project by running pm2 stop union-booth, and then running it again with npm run start:prod.

Updating Version Tag

The application is configured to show the version of the app from Git tags (visible on the Admin section, at the bottom of the nav). To update the current version:

npm version <patch|minor|major>
git push --follow-tags


Qovery stuck on deploying older commit after failed deploy

You can retrigger a build for a specific commit via API -



  "git_commit_id": "string"


Bearer JWT Token

To acquire the JWT token, run qovery auth CLI command from terminal.

You can then find the generated JWT token (as well as your applicationId) under ~/.qovery/context.json.

JavaScript heap out of memory

If you are getting FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory during build process, you can increase the swap space as well as set memory limit in Node to a higher value:

export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=1024 #this will set it to 1G instead of default 512mb

GraphQL error: out of shared memory

If you run into an out of shared memory exception, you can fix it by increasing the max_locks_per_transaction.

You can increase it in the postgresql.conf file.

If you are using, the file can be found in /Users/$USERNAME$/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/var-13/.

If you have installed Postgres using Homebrew you can find it in /usr/local/var/postgres/