Download the latest jar from maven central:
Then run the generator using:
java -jar generator/build/libs/courier-swift-generator-<version>.jar targetPath resolverPath sourcePath1[:sourcePath2]+
For example, if you have .pdsc
or .courier
files in a pegasus
directory, and wish to generate
files into a swift
directory, run:
java -jar generator/build/libs/courier-swift-generator-<version>.jar swift pegasus pegasus
Note that pegasus is used twice, once as the resolverPath (which is where the generator will search for dependencies) and again for the source path that will be searched for all schemas to generate data bindings for.
Add SwiftyJSON to your Xcode project (https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON#integration):
If you use Cocopods, update your Podfile to include SwiftyJSON, e.g.:
platform :osx, '10.10'
target 'PROJECT_NAME' do
pod 'SwiftyJSON', :git => 'https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON.git'
Be sure to replace PROJECT_NAME
with the name of your Xcode project.
And then run:
pod install
- In the root directory of your xcode project, add a directory for pegasus schemas, e.g.
. - Also add a directory for the generator jar, e.g.
. - Download the jar from http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/coursera/courier/courier-swift-generator/
into the directory created for it, e.g.
. - In Xcode, go to
->Build Phases
- Add a Run Script Phase before the compile phase, rename it to something like "Courier Data Binding Generator".
- Select a target directory to generate swift data bindings into and create it, e.g.
. - Set the script to something like:
TARGET_DIR=$SRCROOT/courier # or $DERIVED_FILE_DIR/courier if you prefer
- Run the Xcode
(command-B). - Add all the files generated into the target directory to your Xcode project sources
- Records are generated as a struct.
struct Fortune: JSONSerializable {
The fortune telling.
let telling: Telling
let createdAt: DateTime
static func readJSON(json: JSON) -> Fortune
func writeJSON() -> JSON
- Enums are represented as a enum.
- An
symbol is also generated and represents unrecognized enums symbols. This exists to make wire compatibility issues easier to manage.
enum MagicEightBallAnswer {
case UNKNOWN$(String)
- Arrays are represented as a swift array.
- Maps are represented as a swift dictionary.
- Unions are represented as a swift enum with a "wrapper" enum case generated for each union member.
- A
member is also generated for each union to represent unrecognized union members. This exists to make wire compatibility issues easier to manage. For example, given a union "AnswerFormat" with member types "TextEntry" and "MultipleChoice", the Java class signatures will be:
enum AnswerFormat: JSONSerializable {
case TextEntryMember(TextEntry)
case MultipleChoiceMember(MultipleChoice)
case UNKNOWN$([String, JSON])
static func readJSON(json: JSON) -> AnswerFormat
func writeJSON() -> JSON
All generate Swift bindings are immutable value types. All fields are declared using "let" and structs are generated instead of classes.
TODO: This feature is at risk due to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33377761/swift-equality-operator-on-nested-arrays. We may revisit the issue if it is urgently needed. In the meantime we'll continue to discuss the limitation with any Swift experts we can to see if there is a workaround. Worst case we can define == for various combinations of nested collections up to some reasonable depth.
Equatable and Hashable would check for "structural" equality.
For example:
// Equatable:
Example(array: [Note("hello"), Note("bye!")]) == Example(array: [Note("hello"), Note("bye!")]) // -> true
Example(array: [Note("hello"), Note("bye!")]) == Example(array: [Note("hello"), Note(""XXXX")]) // -> false
// Hashable:
Example(array: [Note("hello"), Note("bye!")]).hashvalue == Example(array: [Note("hello"), Note("bye!")]).hashvalue // -> true
When using REST frameworks like Naptime, it is common to send and receive partial data. This is very commonly used when a subset of fields of a resources are "projected".
Since even fields that are marked as required in a Pegasus schema may be absent when data is projected, Courier's Optionality settings defaults to REQUIRED_FIELDS_MAY_BE_ABSENT. This allows a single generated Swift struct to be used for bindings to unprojected and projected data.
If this behaviour is not desired, one may set Optionality
See the Optionality property docs
for details on how to set the Optionality
TODO: implement
Pegasus types are namespaced. E.g. "org.example.User" and "org.oauth.User" are considered distinct types because, even though they have the same name, they are in separate namespaces.
To prevent name collisions, we generate swift bindings within structs that serve as namespaces, e.g.:
struct example {
struct User {
struct oauth {
struct User {
Example usage:
let user = example.User()
Insignificant namespace parts (such as the "org" in the above example) are ignored.
Custom Types allow any Swift type to be bound to any pegasus primitive type.
For example, say a schema has been defined to represent a "date time" as a unix timestamp long:
namespace org.example
typeref DateTime = long
And we want to use NSDate
in our Swift code to represent this type.
First, we would write a coercer with the Coercer
protocol does implements necessary conversion
public struct NSDateCoercer: Coercer {
public typealias CustomType = NSDate
public typealias DirectType = Int
public static func coerceInput(value: Int) throws -> NSDate {
return NSDate(timeIntervalSince1970: Double(value) / 1000)
public static func coerceOutput(value: NSDate) -> Int {
return Int(value.timeIntervalSince1970 * 1000)
Then we register both the coercer and the NSDate
class in the schema:
namespace org.example
@swift.class = "Foundation.NSDate"
@swift.coercerClass = "Coercers.NSDateCoercer"
typeref DateTime = long
Once this has been done, a schema using this type, e.g.:
namespace org.example
record WithDateTime {
createdAt: DateTime
will be generated to Swift as:
public class WithDateTime: Serializable {
let createdAt: NSDate
// ...
And readJSON
and writeJSON
will call the conversion methods on NSDateCoercer
coercer when reading
and writing JSON.
JSON serialization is supported using generated read()
and write()
methods. These methods
are generated to use SwiftyJSON's JSON
For example, to read JSON:
let json = JSON("{ \"body\": \"Hello Pegasus!\"}")
let message = Message.readJSON(json)
message.writeJSON() // -> { "body": "Hello Pegasus!" }
// serialize to NSData:
let message = Message(...)
let archived = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(message.writeData())
// deserialize from NSData:
if let unarchived = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(archived) as? [String: AnyObject] {
let deserialized = Message.readData(unarchived)
// do something
TODO: Implement PSON or one of the other wire format binary protocols used by the Pegasus ecosystem.
All generated swift bindings depend on a CourierRuntime.swift
class. This class builds on
SwiftyJSON and Foundation classes to define minimal set of functions used by the generator to
produce clean source code.
See the main CONTRIBUTING document for details.
$ sbt
> project swift-generator
> assembly
This will build a standalone "fat jar". This is particularly convenient for use as a standalone commandline application that can be called from Xcode build steps.
- Unit tests that are run by executing:
./gradlew test
. - Swift code is compiled and tested for correctness by the
Xcode project. To test, open the project and runTest
- Figure out the best way to distribute the 'fat jar'.
- Automate distribution of the Fat Jar
- Publish Fat Jar to remote repos? Typically fat jars should not be published to maven/ivy repos, but maybe it should be hosted for easy download elsewhere?
- Look into adding NSCoding support (see: http://swiftandpainless.com/nscoding-and-swift-structs/?utm_campaign=Swift+Developer+Weekly&utm_medium=email&utm_source=Swift_Developer_Weekly_27 and https://github.com/nicklockwood/AutoCoding)
- Implement namespace handling strategy (details below)
- Generate scala style copy() methods?
- Dig deeper into Equatable, Hashable (how to support arrays and maps? Deep check?)
- Add typed map key support (requires Equatable/Hashable)
- Make CourierRuntime.swift available as a Pod?
- Support recursively defined types (RecursivelyDefinedRecord.swift does not compile)
- typerefs (anything left to do?)
- custom types (what to do?)