A quiz/trivia game with different modes and categories that you can select, as well as wildcards to help you. The questions are generated by artificial intelligence using the Cohere API.
Table of contents
Quizi is a quiz/trivia game made with with Cohere. You can select different game modes and topics, you also have wildcards. Cohere's AI will generate the questions and answers for you.
Note: Due to Cohere's policy change (from 100 to 5 free calls) now only some questions are generated by Cohere. The rest are pre-generated.
List of the frameworks, libraries and tools used to build the project.
- Next.js
- React.js
- Zustand For state management
- Cohere For the generation of questions
- Vercel For hosting
- Tailwind CSS For styling
- AnimatiSS For animations (title hover, correct and wrong answer)
- Patternpad For the home background pattern
- Figma For the design
- React icons For icons
- Iconify For the answers letters icons
- Tabler Icons For the categories icons
- Canvas confetti For the confetti animation
- Vector Halftone Maker For the halftone effect
- Clone or fork the repo
git clone https://github.com/cosmoart/quiz-game
- Change directory to
cd source_code
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Run the project
npm run dev
If you are in development environment all the questions are pre-generated, if you want to use the Cohere API you have to create a .env.local
file with the Cohere API key at source_code
and comment the if
in source_code/src/helpers/getQuestions.js
. You can get one Cohere Api key here.
The .env.local
file should look like this:
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Circle wipe transition - Add offline mode
- Buttons sounds
- Win and Lose sounds
Multi-language Support -
PWA - Personalize the game over screen for infinite mode
Personalize error page for API limit exceeded
- My website - cosmoart.vercel.app
- Twitter - @CosmoArt0
- Instagram - @cosmo_art0