KPSmart System for Kelburn Postal Services
Copyright (C) Nic Bonnette, Max Coply, Joely Huang, Bonnie Liao, and Shenbo Xuan.
This repository contains the source code of a group project for the course SWEN301,
run by Victoria University of Wellington, March-June 2016.
The project develops a java application "KPSmart" for a mail-processing centre "KPS - Kelburn Postal Service".
The code makes use of an external jar, jdom-2.0.6.jar, which must be added to the build path.
Source code freely available from
The application is included in the repository. To run the application, use the following command:
$ java -jar KPSmart.jar
There are three logins available in the system. The user IDs are 1, 2 and 3. The password is 1234 for all of them. ID 1 is a clerk and ID 2 and 3 are managers.