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Nutch plugins for working with Firefox Webdriver using Selenium. It made to work with Hadoop 2.x series pseudo-distributed and full-distributed. Also, It made with reference to nutch-selenium.

This plugin allows you to fetch websites that Ajax page, while relying on the rest of the awesome Nutch stack!

Installation (tested on Ubuntu 14.04.1)

Part 1: Setting up Selenium

A) Ensure that you have Firefox installed

# More info about the package @ [launchpad](

sudo apt-get install firefox

B) Install Xvfb and its associates

sudo apt-get install xorg synaptic xvfb gtk2-engines-pixbuf xfonts-cyrillic xfonts-100dpi \
    xfonts-75dpi xfonts-base xfonts-scalable freeglut3-dev dbus-x11 openbox x11-xserver-utils \
    libxrender1 cabextract

C) Install geckodriver

Download the binary of geckodriver

tar xvfz geckodriver-v0.12.0-linux64.tar.gz && mv geckodriver /usr/bin/

D) Set a display for Xvfb, so that firefox believes a display is connected

sudo /usr/bin/Xvfb :11 -screen 0 1024x768x24 &
sudo export DISPLAY=:11

E) Launch GeckoDriver

geckodriver -b /usr/bin/firefox -p 4444

Part 2: Installing plugin for Nutch (where NUTCH_HOME is the root of your nutch install)

A) Add Selenium to your Nutch dependencies

<!-- NUTCH_HOME/ivy/ivy.xml -->

<ivy-module version="1.0">
    <!-- begin selenium dependencies -->
    <dependency org="org.seleniumhq.selenium" name="selenium-java" rev="3.0.1" />

    <dependency org="com.opera" name="operadriver" rev="1.5">
      <exclude org="org.seleniumhq.selenium" name="selenium-remote-driver" />
    <!-- end selenium dependencies -->

B) Add the required plugins to your NUTCH_HOME/src/plugin/build.xml

<!-- NUTCH_HOME/src/plugin/build.xml -->

<project name="Nutch" default="deploy-core" basedir=".">
  <!-- ====================================================== -->
  <!-- Build & deploy all the plugin jars.                    -->
  <!-- ====================================================== -->
  <target name="deploy">
    <ant dir="lib-webdriver" target="deploy"/>
    <ant dir="protocol-webdriver" target="deploy" />

C) Ensure that the plugin will be used as the fetcher/initial parser in your config

<!-- NUTCH_HOME/conf/nutch-site.xml -->

    <description>Regular expression naming plugin directory names to
    include.  Any plugin not matching this expression is excluded.
    In any case you need at least include the nutch-extensionpoints plugin. By
    default Nutch includes crawling just HTML and plain text via HTTP,
    and basic indexing and search plugins. In order to use HTTPS please enable 
    protocol-httpclient, but be aware of possible intermittent problems with the 
    underlying commons-httpclient library.

D) Add the plugin folders to your installation's NUTCH_HOME/src/plugin directory

|-- src
|    |-- plugin
|          |-- lib-*
|          |-- protocol-*
|          ...
|          |-- lib-webdriver
|          +-- protocol-webdriver

E) Compile nutch

ant runtime

F) Start your web crawl (Ensure that you followed the above steps and have started your xvfb display as shown above)



Nutch plugins for working with Firefox Webdriver.







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