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A library for reading data from MQTT Servers using Spark SQL Streaming ( or Structured streaming.).


Using SBT:

libraryDependencies += "org.apache.bahir" %% "spark-sql-streaming-mqtt" % "{{site.SPARK_VERSION}}"

Using Maven:


This library can also be added to Spark jobs launched through spark-shell or spark-submit by using the --packages command line option. For example, to include it when starting the spark shell:

$ bin/spark-shell --packages org.apache.bahir:spark-sql-streaming-mqtt_{{site.SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}:{{site.SPARK_VERSION}}

Unlike using --jars, using --packages ensures that this library and its dependencies will be added to the classpath. The --packages argument can also be used with bin/spark-submit.

This library is compiled for Scala 2.11 only, and intends to support Spark 2.0 onwards.


A SQL Stream can be created with data streams received through MQTT Server using,

    .option("topic", "mytopic")

Enable recovering from failures.

Setting values for option localStorage and clientId helps in recovering in case of a restart, by restoring the state where it left off before the shutdown.

    .option("topic", "mytopic")
    .option("localStorage", "/path/to/localdir")
    .option("clientId", "some-client-id")

Configuration options.

This source uses Eclipse Paho Java Client. Client API documentation is located here.

  • brokerUrl A url MqttClient connects to. Set this or path as the url of the Mqtt Server. e.g. tcp://localhost:1883.
  • persistence By default it is used for storing incoming messages on disk. If memory is provided as value for this option, then recovery on restart is not supported.
  • topic Topic MqttClient subscribes to.
  • clientId clientId, this client is assoicated with. Provide the same value to recover a stopped client.
  • QoS The maximum quality of service to subscribe each topic at. Messages published at a lower quality of service will be received at the published QoS. Messages published at a higher quality of service will be received using the QoS specified on the subscribe.
  • username Sets the user name to use for the connection to Mqtt Server. Do not set it, if server does not need this. Setting it empty will lead to errors.
  • password Sets the password to use for the connection.
  • cleanSession Setting it true starts a clean session, removes all checkpointed messages by a previous run of this source. This is set to false by default.
  • connectionTimeout Sets the connection timeout, a value of 0 is interpretted as wait until client connects. See MqttConnectOptions.setConnectionTimeout for more information.
  • keepAlive Same as MqttConnectOptions.setKeepAliveInterval.
  • mqttVersion Same as MqttConnectOptions.setMqttVersion.

Scala API

An example, for scala API to count words from incoming message stream.

// Create DataFrame representing the stream of input lines from connection to mqtt server
val lines = spark.readStream
  .option("topic", topic)
  .load(brokerUrl).as[(String, Timestamp)]

// Split the lines into words
val words =" "))

// Generate running word count
val wordCounts = words.groupBy("value").count()

// Start running the query that prints the running counts to the console
val query = wordCounts.writeStream


Please see MQTTStreamWordCount.scala for full example.

Java API

An example, for Java API to count words from incoming message stream.

// Create DataFrame representing the stream of input lines from connection to mqtt server.
Dataset<String> lines = spark
        .option("topic", topic)

// Split the lines into words
Dataset<String> words = lines.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
    public Iterator<String> call(String x) {
        return Arrays.asList(x.split(" ")).iterator();
}, Encoders.STRING());

// Generate running word count
Dataset<Row> wordCounts = words.groupBy("value").count();

// Start running the query that prints the running counts to the console
StreamingQuery query = wordCounts.writeStream()


Please see for full example.