A Neovim configuration with a focus on leveraging Neovim-specific features and its Lua API.
Some used plugins:
- packer.nvim: plugin management
- nvim-tree.lua: file explorer
- lualine.nvim: status line
- NVim LSP, nvim-cmp, nvim-snippy: LSP support and autocompletion
- nvim-treesitter: better syntax highlighting
- telescope.nvim: fuzzy finding
I no longer use this config as my daily driver, it's not updated and may not work with newer version of Neovim (which I still use).
Editing Lua with NeovimTree open and a document symbols view provided by the language server.
- Wherever possible I try to use Lua plugins.
- I also try to keep as much of the configuration as possible in Lua, but there are still a lot of
blocks around.