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The CS Lab
Directions to Students

1. datalab
# CS:APP Data Lab
# Directions to Instructors
# May 31, 2011: Now includes the "Beat the Prof" contest
# Copyright (c) 2002-2011, R. Bryant and D. O'Hallaron

This directory contains the files that you will need to run the CS:APP
Data Lab, which helps develops the student's understanding of bit
representations, two's complement arithmetic, and IEEE floating point.

For fun, we've also provided a new user-level HTTP-based "Beat the
Prof" contest that replaces the old email-based version. The new
contest is completely self-contained and does not require root
password.  The only requirement is that you have a user account on a
Linux machine with an IP address.

1. Overview

In this lab, students work on a C file, called bits.c, that consists
of a series of programming "puzzles".  Each puzzle is an empty
function body that must be completed so that it implements a specified
mathematical function, such as "absolute value". Students must solve
the non-floating point puzzles using only straight-line C code and a
restricted set of C arithmetic and logical operators. For the
floating-point puzzles they can use conditionals and arbitrary

Students use the following three tools to check their work.
Instructors use the same tools to assign grades.

1. dlc: A "data lab compiler" that checks each function in bits.c for
compliance with the coding guidelines, checking that the students use
less than the maximum number of operators, that they use only
straight-line code, and that they use only legal operators. The
sources and a Linux binary are included with the lab.

2. btest: A test harness that checks the functions in bits.c for
correctness. This tool has been significantly improved, now checking
wide swaths around the edge cases for integers and floating point
representations such as 0, Tmin, denorm-norm boundary, and inf.

3. A autograding driver program that uses dlc and btest to
check each test function in bits.c for correctness and adherence to
the coding guidelines

The default version of the lab consists of 15 puzzles, in
./src/selections.c, chosen from a set of 73 standard puzzles defined
in the directory ./src/puzzles/. You can customize the lab from term
to term by choosing a different set of puzzles from the standard set
of puzzles.

You can also define new puzzles of your own and add them to the
standard set. See ./src/README for instructions on how to add new
puzzles to the standard set.

NOTE: If you define new puzzles, please send them to me (Dave
O'Hallaron, so that I can add them to the standard
set of puzzles in the data lab distribution.

2. Files

All CS:APP labs have the same simple top-level directory structure:

Makefile	   Builds the entire lab.
README		   This file.
src/		   Contains all source files for the lab.
datalab-handout/   Handout directory that goes to the students. Generated
		   by the Makefile from files in ./src. Never modify anything
		   in this directory. 
grade/		   Autograding scripts that instructors can use to 
		   grade student handins.
writeup/	   Sample Latex lab writeup.
contest/           Everything needed for the optional "Beat the Prof" contest.

3. Building the Lab

Step 0. If you decide to run the "Beat the Prof" contest (section 5),
then edit the ./contest/ file so that the driver knows where
to send the results. See ./contest/README for the simple
instructions. If you decide *not* to offer the contest, then do
nothing in this step.

Step 1. Select the puzzles you want to include by editing the file

The default ./src/selections.c comes from a previous instance of the
Data Lab at CMU.  The file ./src/selections-all.c contains the
complete list of puzzles to choose from.

Step 2. Modify the Latex lab writeup in ./writeup/datalab.tex to 
tailor it for your course. 

Step 3. Type the following in the current directory:
     unix> make clean
     unix> make 

The Makefile generates the btest source files, builds the dlc binary
(if necessary), formats the lab writeup, and then copies btest, the
dlc binary, and the driver to the handout directory.  After that, it
builds a tarfile of the handout directory (in ./datalab-handout.tar)
that you can then hand out to students.

Note on Binary Portability: dlc is distributed in the datalab-handout
directory as a binary. Linux binaries are not always portable across
distributions due to different versions of dynamic libraries. You'll
need to be careful to compile dlc on a machine that is compatible with
those that the students will be using.

Note: Running "make" also automatically generates the solutions to the
puzzles, which you can find in ./src/bits.c and ./src/bits.c-solution.

4. Grading the Lab

There is a handy autograder script that automatically grades your
students' handins.  See ./grade/README for instructions.

5. "Beat the Prof" Contest

For fun, we've included an optional "Beat the Prof" contest, where
students compete against themselves and the instructor. The goal is to
solve each Data Lab puzzle using the fewest number of
operators. Students who match or beat the instructor's operator count
for each puzzle are winners. See ./contest/README for the simple
instructions on how to set up the contest.

NOTE: The contest is completely optional. Whether you decide to
offer it or not has no affect on how you build and distribute the lab.

NOTE: If you do decide to offer the contest, then you should configure
the contest *before* you build the lab, so that the driver knows the
server and port to send the contest results of each student (using the
constants defined in the ./src/ file, which is
autogenerated from the ./contest/ config file).

If you decide to offer the contest *after* you've built and handed out
the lab to the students, you're still OK:

1) Configure the contest as described in contest/Makefile

2) Rebuild the lab in the usual way:
   linux> cd datalab
   linux> make

3) Distribute the new ./src/ file to the students.

6. Experimental BDD checker

For fun, we have included an experimental correctness checker based on
binary decision diagrams (BDDs) (R. E. Bryant, IEEE Transactions on
Computers, August, 1986) that uses the CUDD BDD package from the
University of Colorado. The BDD checker does an exhaustive test of the
test functions in bits.c, formally verifying the correctness of each
test function against a reference solution for *ALL* possible input
values. For functions that differ from the reference solution, the BDD
checker produces a counterexample in the form of a set of function
arguments that cause the test solution to differ from the reference

The sources are included in ./src/bddcheck. To compile:

  unix> cd src/bddcheck
  unix> make clean
  unix> make

To use BDDs to check ./src/bits.c for correctness:

  unix> cd src
  unix> ./bddcheck/     # with error messages and counterexamples
  unix> ./bddcheck/ -g  # compact tabular output with no error messages

Note that must be run from the parent directory of ./bddcheck.

We've been using this BDD checker instead of btest at CMU for several
years and the code appears to be stable. The main weakness is in the
Perl code that extracts the functions from bits.c. It usually works,
but some things -- such as calls to other functions, or functions that
don't end with a single brace -- confuse it. So we're reluctant to
make it the default checker for the distributed CS:APP labs. However,
if you have any questions about the correctness of a particular
solution, then this is the authoritative way to decide.

Please send any comments about the BDD checker to

2. bomblab
# CS:APP Bomb Lab
# Directions to Instructors
# Copyright (c) 2002-2013, R. Bryant and D. O'Hallaron

This directory contains the files that you will use to build and run
the CS:APP Bomb Lab. The Bomb Lab teaches students principles of
machine-level programs, as well as general debugger and reverse
engineering skills.

1. Overview

1.1. Binary Bombs
A "binary bomb" is a Linux executable C program that consists of six
"phases." Each phase expects the student to enter a particular string
on stdin.  If the student enters the expected string, then that phase
is "defused."  Otherwise the bomb "explodes" by printing "BOOM!!!".
The goal for the students is to defuse as many phases as possible.

1.2. Solving Binary Bombs
In order to defuse the bomb, students must use a debugger, typically
gdb or ddd, to disassemble the binary and single-step through the
machine code in each phase. The idea is to understand what each
assembly statement does, and then use this knowledge to infer the
defusing string.  Students earn points for defusing phases, and they
lose points (configurable by the instructor, but typically 1/2 point)
for each explosion. Thus, they quickly learn to set breakpoints before
each phase and the function that explodes the bomb. It's a great
lesson and forces them to learn to use a debugger.

1.3. Autograding Service
We have created a stand-alone user-level autograding service that
handles all aspects of the Bomb Lab for you: Students download their
bombs from a server. As the students work on their bombs, each
explosion and defusion is streamed back to the server, where the
current results for each bomb are displayed on a Web "scoreboard."
There are no explicit handins and the lab is self-grading.

The autograding service consists of four user-level programs that run
in the main ./bomblab directory:

- Request Server ( Students download their bombs
and display the scoreboard by pointing a browser at a simple HTTP
server called the "request server." The request server builds the
bomb, archives it in a tar file, and then uploads the resulting tar
file back to the browser, where it can be saved on disk and
untarred. The request server also creates a copy of the bomb and its
solution for the instructor.

- Result Server ( Each time a student defuses a
bomb phase or causes an explosion, the bomb sends a short HTTP
message, called an "autoresult string," to an HTTP "result server,"
which simply appends the autoresult string to a "scoreboard log file."

- Report Daemon ( The "report daemon" periodically
scans the scoreboard log file. The report daemon finds the most recent
defusing string submitted by each student for each phase, and
validates these strings by applying them to a local copy of the
student's bomb.  It then updates the HTML scoreboard that summarizes
the current number of explosions and defusions for each bomb, rank
ordered by the total number of accrued points.

- Main daemon ( The "main daemon" starts and nannies the
request server, result server, and report deamon, ensuring that
exactly one of these processes (and itself) is running at any point in
time. If one of these processes dies for some reason, the main daemon
detects this and automatically restarts it. The main daemon is the
only program you actually need to run.

2. Files
The ./bomblab directory contains the following files:

Makefile                - For starting/stopping the lab and cleaning files*             - Main daemon that nannies the other servers & daemons              - Bomblab configuration file*     - Report daemon that continuously updates scoreboard*    - Request server that serves bombs to students*     - Result server that gets autoresult strings from bombs
bomblab-scoreboard.html - Real-time Web scoreboard*      - Helper to that updates scoreboard
bombs/                  - Contains the bombs sent to each student
log-status.txt          - Status log with msgs from various servers and daemons
log.txt                 - Scoreboard log of autoresults received from bombs*            - Helper script that builds a bomb
scores.txt              - Summarizes current scoreboard scores for each student
src/                    - The bomb source files
writeup/                - Sample Latex Bomb Lab writeup

3. Bomb Terminology

LabID: Each instance (offering) of the lab is identified by a unique
name, e.g., "f12" or "s13", that the instructor chooses. Explosion and
diffusions from bombs whose LabIDs are different from the current
LabID are ignored. The LabID must not have any spaces.

BombID: Each bomb in a given instance of the lab has a unique
non-negative integer called the "bombID."

Notifying Bomb: A bomb can be compiled with a NOTIFY option that
causes the bomb to send a message each time the student explodes or
defuses a phase. Such bombs are called "notifying bombs." 

Quiet Bomb: If compiled with the NONOTIFY option, then the bomb
doesn't send any messages when it explodes or is defused. Such bombs
are called "quiet bombs."

We will also find it helpful to distinguish between custom and
generic bombs:

Custom Bomb: A "custom bomb" has a BombID > 0, is associated with a
particular student, and can be either notifying or quiet. Custom
notifying bombs are constrained to run on a specific set of Linux
hosts determined by the instructor. On the other hand, custom quiet
bombs can run on any Linux host.

Generic Bomb: A "generic bomb" has a BombID = 0, isn't associated with
any particular student, is quiet, and hence can run on any host.

4. Offering the Bomb Lab
There are two basic flavors of Bomb Lab: In the "online" version, the
instructor uses the autograding service to handout a custom notifying
bomb to each student on demand, and to automatically track their
progress on the realtime scoreboard. In the "offline" version, the
instructor builds, hands out, and grades the student bombs manually,
without using the autograding service.

While both version give the students a rich experience, we recommend
the online version. It is clearly the most compelling and fun for the
students, and the easiest for the instructor to grade. However, it
requires that you keep the autograding service running non-stop,
because handouts, grading, and reporting occur continuously for the
duration of the lab. We've made it very easy to run the service, but
some instructors may be uncomfortable with this requirement and will
opt instead for the offline version.

Here are the directions for offering both versions of the lab.

4.1. Create a Bomb Lab Directory 
Identify the generic Linux machine ($SERVER_NAME) where you will
create the Bomb Lab directory (./bomblab) and, if you are offering the
online version, run the autograding service. You'll only need to have
a user account on this machine. You don't need root access.

Each offering of the Bomb Lab starts with a clean new ./bomblab
directory on $SERVER_NAME. For example:

    linux> tar xvf bomblab.tar
    linux> cd bomblab   
    linux> make cleanallfiles

4.2 Configure the Bomb Lab
Configure the Bomb Lab by editing the following file:

./ - This is the main configuration file. You will only need
to modify or inspect a few variables in Section 1 of this file. Each
variable is preceded by a descriptive comment. If you are offering the
offline version, you can ignore most of these settings.

If you are offering the online version, you will also need to edit the 
following file:

./src/config.h - This file lists the domain names of the hosts that
notifying bombs are allowed to run on. Make sure you update this
correctly, else you and your students won't be able to run your bombs.

4.3. Update the Lab Writeup

Once you have updated the configuration files, modify the Latex lab
writeup in ./writeup/bomblab.tex for your environment. Then type the
following in the ./writeup directory:

	unix> make clean
	unix> make 

This will create ps and pdf versions of the writeup

4.4. Running the Online Bomb Lab

4.4.1. Short Version
From the ./bomblab directory:

(1) Reset the Bomb Lab from scratch by typing
    linux> make cleanallfiles

(2) Start the autograding service by typing
    linux> make start

(3) Stop the autograding service by typing
    linux> make stop    

You can start and stop the autograding service as often as you like
without losing any information. When in doubt "make stop; make start"
will get everything in a stable state. 

However, resetting the lab deletes all old bombs, status logs, and the
scoreboard log. Do this only during debugging, or the very first time
you start the lab for your students.

Students request bombs by pointing their browsers at 

Students view the scoreboard by pointing their browsers at      

4.4.2. Long Version

(1) Resetting the Bomb Lab. "make stop" ensures that there are no
servers running. "make cleanallfiles" resets the lab from scratch,
deleting all data specific to a particular instance of the lab, such
as the status log, all bombs created by the request server, and the
scoreboard log. Do this when you're ready for the lab to go "live" to
the students.

Resetting is also useful while you're preparing the lab. Before the
lab goes live, you'll want to request a few bombs for yourself, run
them, defuse a few phases, explode a few phases, and make sure that
the results are displayed properly on the scoreboard.  If there is a
problem (say because you forgot to update the list of machines the
bombs are allowed to run in src/config.h) you can fix the
configuration, reset the lab, and then request and run more test

CAUTION: If you reset the lab after it's live, you'll lose all your
records of the students bombs and their solutions. You won't be able
to validate the students handins. And your students will have to get
new bombs and start over.

(2) Starting the Bomb Lab. "make start" runs, the main
daemon that starts and nannies the other programs in the service,
checking their status every few seconds and restarting them if

(3) Stopping the Bomb Lab. "make stop" kills all of the running
servers. You can start and stop the autograding service as often as
you like without losing any information. When in doubt "make stop;
make start" will get everything in a stable state.

Request Server: The request server is a simple special-purpose HTTP
server that (1) builds and delivers custom bombs to student browsers
on demand, and (2) displays the current state of the real-time

A student requests a bomb from the request daemon in two
steps: First, the student points their favorite browser at


For example,  The request server
responds by sending an HTML form back to the browser.  Next, the
student fills in this form with their user name and email address, and
then submits the form. The request server parses the form, builds and
tars up a notifying custom bomb with bombID=n, and delivers the tar
file to the browser. The student then saves the tar file to disk. When
the student untars this file, it creates a directory (./bomb<n>) with
the following four files:

    bomb*        Notifying custom bomb executable
    bomb.c       Source code for the main bomb routine
    ID           Identifies the student associated with this bomb
    README       Lists bomb number, student, and email address

The request server also creates a directory (bomblab/bombs/bomb<n>)
that contains the following files:

    bomb*        Custom bomb executable 
    bomb.c       Source code for main routine
    bomb-quiet*  A quiet version of bomb used for autograding
    ID           Identifies the user name assigned to this bomb
    phases.c     C source code for the bomb phases
    README       Lists bombID, user name, and email address
    solution.txt The solution for this bomb

Result Server: Each time a student defuses a phase or explodes their
bomb, the bomb sends an HTTP message (called an autoresult string) to
the result server, which then appends the message to the scoreboard
log. Each message contains a BombID, a phase, and an indication of the
event that occurred.  If the event was a defusion, the message also
contains the "defusing string" that the student typed to defuse the

Report Daemon: The report daemon periodically scans the scoreboard log
and updates the Web scoreboard. For each bomb, it tallies the number
of explosions, the last defused phase, validates each last defused
phase using a quiet copy of the bomb, and computes a score for each
student in a tab delimited text file called "scores.txt." The update
frequency is a configuration variable in

Instructors and students view the scoreboard by pointing their
browsers at:


4.4.3. Grading the Online Bomb Lab
The online Bomb Lab is self-grading. At any point in time, the
tab-delimited file (./bomblab/scores.txt) contains the most recent
scores for each student. This file is created by the report daemon
each time it generates a new scoreboard.

4.4.4. Additional Notes on the Online Bomb Lab
* Since the request server and report daemon both need to execute
bombs, you must include $SERVER_NAME in the list of legal machines in
your bomblab/src/config.h file.

* All of the servers and daemons are stateless, so you can stop ("make
stop") and start ("make start") the lab as many times as you like
without any ill effects. If you accidentally kill one of the daemons,
or you modify a daemon, or the daemon dies for some reason, then use
"make stop" to clean up, and then restart with "make start". If your
Linux box crashes or reboots, simply restart the daemons with "make

* Information and error messages from the servers are appended to the
"status log" in bomblab/log-status.txt. Servers run quietly, so they
can be started from initrc scripts at boot time.

* See src/README for more information about the anatomy of bombs and
how they are constructed. You don't need to understand any of this to
offer the lab. It's provided only for completeness.

* Before going live with the students, we like to check everything out
by running some tests. We do this by typing

    linux> make cleanallfiles   
    linux> make start

Then we request a bomb for ourselves by pointing a Web browser at


After saving our bomb to disk, we untar it, copy it to a host in the
approved list in src/config.h, and then explode and defuse it a couple
of times to make sure that the explosions and diffusion are properly
recorded on the scoreboard, which we check at


Once we're satisfied that everything is OK, we stop the lab

    linux> make stop

and then go live:

    linux> make cleanallfiles
    linux> make start
Once we go live, we type "make stop" and "make start" as often as we
need to, but we are careful never to type "make cleanallfiles" again.

4.5. Running the Offline Bomb Lab
In this version of the lab, you build your own quiet bombs manually
and then hand them out to the students.  The students work on defusing
their bombs offline (i.e., independently of any autograding service)
and then handin their solution files to you, each of which you grade

You can use the script to build your own bombs
manually. The script also generates the bomb's solution.
Type "./ -h" to see its arguments.

Option 1: The simplest approach for offering the offline Bomb Lab is
to build a single generic bomb that every student attempts to defuse:

    linux> ./ -s ./src -b ./bombs

This will create a generic bomb and some other files in ./bombs/bomb0: 

    bomb*        Generic bomb executable (handout to students)
    bomb.c       Source code for main routine (handout to students)
    bomb-quiet*  Ignore this
    ID           Ignore this
    phases.c     C source code for the bomb phases
    README       Ignore this    
    solution.txt The solution for this bomb 

You will handout only two of these files to the students: ./bomb and ./bomb.c 

The students will handin their solution files, which you can validate
by feeding to the bomb:

    linux> cd bombs/bomb0
    linux> ./bomb < student_solution.txt

This option is easy for the instructor, but we don't recommend it
because it is too easy for the students to cheat.

Option 2. The other option for offering an offline lab is to use the script to build a unique quiet custom bomb for each

    linux> ./ -i <n> -s ./src -b ./bombs -l bomblab -u <email> -v <uid>

This will create a quiet custom bomb in ./bombs/bomb<n> for the
student whose email address is <email> and whose user name is <uid>:

    bomb*        Custom bomb executable (handout to student)
    bomb.c       Source code for main routine (handout to student)
    bomb-quiet*  Ignore this
    ID           Identifies the student associated with this bomb
    phases.c     C source code for the bomb phases
    README       Lists bomb number, student, and email address
    solution.txt The solution for this bomb

You will handout four of these files to the student: bomb, bomb.c, ID,

Each student will hand in their solution file, which you can validate
by hand by running their custom bomb against their solution:

    linux> cd ./bombs/bomb<n>
    linux> ./bomb < student_n_solution.txt

For both Option 1 and Option 2, the script randomly
chooses the variant ("a", "b", or "c") for each phase. You can tell to use a specific variant by using the "-p" option. For
example, "-p abacba" will use variant "a" for phase 1, variant "b" for
phase 2, variant "a" for phase 3, variant "c" for phase 4, and so on.

The source code for the different phase variants is in ./src/phases/.

3. buflab
# CS:APP Buffer Lab
# Directions to Instructors
# Copyright (c) 2002-2012, R. Bryant and D. O'Hallaron

This directory contains the files that you will use to build and run
the CS:APP Buffer Lab.

The purpose of the Buffer Lab is to help students develop a detailed
understanding of the stack discipline on IA32 processors.  It involves
applying a series of buffer overflow attacks on an executable file.

This version of the lab has been specially modified to defeat the
stack randomization techniques used by newer versions of Linux. It
works by using mmap() and an assembly language insert to move the
stack pointed at by %esp to an unused part of the heap.

1. Overview

1.1. Buffer Bombs

A "buffer bomb" is an executable bomb, called "./bufbomb", that is
solved using a buffer overflow attack (exploit).  In this lab,
students are asked to alter the behavior of a buffer bomb (called
bufbomb) via five increasingly difficult levels of exploits.

The levels are called smoke (level 0), fizz (level 1), bang (level 2),
boom (level 3), and kaboom (level 4), with smoke being the simplest
and kaboom being the most difficult. 

1.2. Solving Buffer Bombs
Each exploit involves reading a sequence of bytes from standard input
into a buffer stored on the stack. Students encode each exploit string
as a sequence of hex digit pairs separated by whitespace, where each
hex digit pair represents a byte in the exploit string. The program
"hex2raw" converts these strings into a sequence of raw bytes, which
can then fed to the buffer bomb:
    unix> cat exploit.txt | ./hex2raw | ./bufbomb -u <userid>

Each student works on an identical buffer bomb, but the solution to
the individual phases is a function of each student's userid.  Thus,
students must develop the solution on their own and cannot use the
solutions from other students.

The solution to each phase is unique for each student because it
typically involves the manipulation on the runtime stack of a unique
"cookie" computed from the userid by the "makecookie" program:

    unix> ./makecookie bovik
The lab writeup has extensive details on each phase and solution

1.3. Autograding Service 

We have provided the same stand-alone user-level autograding service
used by the Bomb Lab to handle all aspects of the Buffer Lab for
you. Students download their buffer bombs from a server. As the
students work on their bombs, they can submit successful exploit
strings to the server by running the buffer bomb with "-s" argument:

    unix> cat exploit.txt | ./hex2raw | ./bufbomb -u <userid> -s

The current results for each bomb are displayed on a Web "scoreboard."
As with the Bomb Lab there are no explicit handins and the lab is

The autograding service consists of four user-level programs that run
in the main ./buflab directory:

- Request Server. Students download their bombs and display the
scoreboard by pointing a browser at a simple HTTP server called the
"request server." 

- Result Server. Each time a student submits an exploit string 
the buffer bomb sends a short HTTP message, called an "autoresult
string," to an HTTP "result server," which simply appends the
autoresult string to a "scoreboard log file."

- Report Daemon. The "report daemon" periodically scans the scoreboard
log file. The report daemon finds the most recent exploit string
submitted by each student for each phase, and validates these strings
by applying them to a local copy of the buffer bomb (unlike the Bomb
Lab, each student works on the same buffer bomb).  It then updates the
HTML scoreboard that summarizes phases that have been successfully
solved for each bomb (identified by cookie to protect the student
privacy), rank ordered by the number of solved levels.

To avoid infinite loops during validation, the Report Daemon calls
each bufbomb in autograding mode, using the -g flag. This causes the
bomb to timeout after 5 seconds.

- Main daemon. The "main daemon" starts and nannies the request
server, result server, and report deamon, ensuring that exactly one of
these processes (and itself) is running at any point in time. If one
of these processes dies for some reason, the main daemon detects this
and automatically restarts it. The main daemon is the only program
you actually need to run.

2. Files
The ./buflab directory contains the following files:

Makefile                - For starting/stopping the lab and cleaning files
buflab-handout/         - Contains the files handed out to each student*              - Main daemon that nannies the other servers & daemons               - Buflab configuration file*      - Report daemon that continuously updates scoreboard*     - Request server that serves bombs to students*      - Result server that gets autoresult strings from bombs
buflab-scoreboard.html  - Real-time Web scoreboard*       - Helper to that updates scoreboard
handin/                 - Most recent exploits from each student and each level
log-status.txt          - Status log with msgs from various servers and daemons
log.txt                 - Scoreboard log of autoresults received from bombs*            - Program that builds a buffer bomb
scores.txt              - Summarizes current scoreboard scores for each student
src/                    - The buffer bomb source files, including a master 
						- solver in ./src/solve the automatically generates 
						- a solution string for any userid and level. 	
writeup/                - Sample Latex Buffer Lab writeup

3. Buffer Bomb Terminology
Notifying Bomb: A buffer bomb can be compiled with a NOTIFY option
that allows the student to submit successful exploit strings to the
autograding service. Such bombs are called "notifying bombs."

Quiet Bomb: A buffer bomb that is not a notifying bomb is called a
"quiet bomb."

Cookie: Unlike the Bomb Lab, each student works on the same
binary. However, the solution to each phase is different for each
student because the exploit string typically must contain a 32-bit
"cookie" that is computed from the student's userid.

4. Offering the Buffer Lab
As with the Bomb Lab, there are two basic flavors of the Buffer Lab:
In the "online" version, the instructor uses the autograding service
to handout buffer bombs to each student on demand (each student gets
the same bomb program), and to automatically track their progress on
the realtime scoreboard. In the "offline" version, the instructor
builds, hands out, and grades the student bombs manually, without
using the autograding service.

While both versions give the students a rich experience, we recommend
the online version. It is clearly the most compelling and fun for the
students, and the easiest for the instructor to grade. However, it
requires that you keep the autograding service running non-stop,
because handouts, grading, and reporting occur continuously for the
duration of the lab. We've made it very easy to run the service, but
some instructors may be uncomfortable with this requirement and will
opt instead for the offline version.

Here are the directions for offering both versions of the lab.

4.1. Create a Buffer Lab Directory 

Identify the generic Linux machine ($SERVER_NAME) where you will
create the Buffer Lab directory (./buflab) and, if you are offering
the online version, run the autograding service. You'll only need a
user account on this machine. You don't need root access. Any desktop
with an internet connection will do.

Each offering of the Buffer Lab starts with a clean new ./buflab
directory on $SERVER_NAME. For example:

    linux> tar xvf buflab.tar
    linux> cd buflab
    linux> make cleanallfiles

4.2 Configure the Buffer Lab
Configure the Buffer Lab by editing the following file:

./ - This is the main configuration file. You will only need
to modify or inspect a few variables in Section 1 of this file. Each
variable is preceded by a descriptive comment. If you are offering the
offline version, you can ignore all of these settings.

If you are offering the online version, you will also need to edit the 
following file:

./src/config.h - This file lists the domain names of the hosts that
notifying bombs are allowed to submit results from.  Make sure you
update this correctly, else you and your students won't be able to
submit their results.  You should include $SERVER_NAME in this list,
along with any machines that your students will be submitting from.

4.3. Update the Lab Writeup
Once you have updated the configuration files, modify the Latex lab
writeup in ./writeup/buflab.tex for your environment. Then type the
following in the ./writeup directory:

	unix> make clean
	unix> make 

This will create ps and pdf versions of the writeup

4.4. Running the Online Buffer Lab

4.4.1. Short Version
From the ./buflab directory:

(1) Reset the Buffer Lab from scratch by typing
    linux> make cleanallfiles

(2) Start the autograding service by typing
    linux> make start

(3) Stop the autograding service by typing
    linux> make stop    

You can start and stop the autograding service as often as you like
without losing any information. When in doubt "make stop; make start"
will get everything in a stable state. 

However, resetting the lab ("make cleanallfiles") deletes all handin
strings, status logs, and the scoreboard log. Do this only during
debugging, or the very first time you start the lab for your students.

The ./src/solve directory contains a master solver script called
./ that you can use to automatically generate a nicely
commented solution exploit string for any userid and phase. See
./src/solve/README for details.

The ./handin directory contains the most recent exploit string
received from each userid and each phase


as well as a report showing the result from the validation


Students request bombs by pointing their browsers at 

Students submit their successful exploit strings to the grading
service by calling the bufbomb with the -s option:

    linux> cat exploit_string | ./hex2raw | ./bufbomb -u bovik -s 	

Students view the scoreboard by pointing their browsers at      

4.4.2. Long Version

(1) Resetting the Buffer Lab. "make cleanallfiles" resets the lab from
scratch, deleting all data specific to a particular instance of the
lab, such as the status log, the scoreboard log, and the handin
file. Do this when you're ready for the lab to go "live" to the

Resetting is also useful while you're preparing the lab. Before the
lab goes live, you'll want to request a few bombs for yourself, run
them, defuse a few phases, explode a few phases, and make sure that
the results are displayed properly on the scoreboard.  If there is a
problem (say because you forgot to update the list of machines the
bombs are allowed to run in src/config.h) you can fix the
configuration, reset the lab, and then request and run more test

CAUTION: If you reset the lab after it's live, you'll lose all your
records of the students handins. You'll have to ask them to submit
their results again.

(2) Starting the Buffer Lab. "make start" runs, the main
daemon that starts and nannies the other programs in the service,
checking their status every few seconds and restarting them if

(3) Stopping the Buffer Lab. "make stop" kills all of the running
servers. You can start and stop the autograding service as often as
you like without losing any information. When in doubt "make stop;
make start" will get everything in a stable state.

Request Server: The request server is a simple special-purpose HTTP
server that (1) builds and delivers buffer bombs to student browsers
on demand, and (2) displays the current state of the real-time

A student requests a bomb from the request daemon by pointing their
favorite browser at


The request server makes the buflab-handout directory (if necessary),
tars it up, and delivers the tar file to the browser. The student then
saves the tar file to disk. When the student untars this file, it
creates a directory (./buflab-handout) with the following three binary

    bufbomb*     Notifying custom bomb executable
    hex2raw*     Converts a hex-encoded exploit string to a byte stream
    makecookie*  Computes the cookie associated with a userid.

The request server also makes sure that there are bufbomb, hex2raw,
and makecookie binaries in the ./buflab/src directory.

Result Server: Each time a student submits an exploit string, the
buffer bomb sends an HTTP "autoresult string" to the result server,
which then appends the message to the scoreboard log. Each autoresult
string contains the userid, level, and exploit string.

Report Daemon: The report daemon periodically scans the scoreboard log
(log.txt) and updates the scoreboard (buflab-scoreboard.txt). For each
userid, it validates the most recently received exploit string, and
updates the scoreboard.  The update frequency is a configuration
variable in

Instructors and students view the scoreboard by pointing their
browsers at:


4.4.3. Grading the Online Buffer Lab
The online Buffer Lab is self-grading. At any point in time, the
tab-delimited file "./buflab/scores.txt" contains the most recent
scores for each student. This file is created by the report daemon
each time it generates a new scoreboard.

The autograding service also updates the ./buflab/handin directory,
which contains information that will be very helpful to you when
students have questions about their submissions, especially when 
they submit solutions that passed their bufbomb but failed when 
evaluated by the grading server (common for the nitro phase). 

For each student (userid), it keeps the last exploit string they
submitted for each phase (0-4) in a file called


along with a report file called


that shows the output from the buffer bomb on the corresponding

Section 5 describes how to generate solutions for arbitrary userids
and levels.

4.4.4. Additional Notes on the Online Buffer Lab

* If you want to build your own notifying bomb and hand it out
  manually to your students (rather than having them use the request
  server), then you should use the "./" script:

  unix> ./ -n

  This creates the three binaries, ./src/bufbomb, ./src/hex2raw, and
  ./src/makecookie, and copies them to ./buflab-handout/, which you can
  then tar up and hand out to students.

* All of the servers and daemons are stateless, so you can stop ("make
  stop") and start ("make start") the lab as many times as you like
  without any ill effects. If you accidentally kill one of the
  daemons, or you modify a daemon, or the daemon dies for some reason,
  then use "make stop" to clean up, and then restart with "make
  start". If your Linux box crashes or reboots, simply restart the
  daemons with "make start".

* Information and error messages from the servers are appended to the
  status log in buflab/log-status.txt. Servers run quietly, so they
  can be started from initrc scripts at boot time.

* Before going live with the students, we like to check everything out
  by running some tests. We do this by typing

    linux> make cleanallfiles   
    linux> make start

Then we request a buffer bomb for ourselves by pointing a Web browser at


After saving our bomb to disk, we untar it, copy it to a host in the
approved list in src/config.h, and then solve and submit different
phases for different fake userids to make sure that they are properly
recorded on the scoreboard, which we check at


Once we're satisfied that everything is OK, we stop the lab

    linux> make stop

and then go live:

    linux> make cleanallfiles
    linux> make start
Once we go live, we type "make stop" and "make start" as often as we
need to, but we are careful never to type "make cleanallfiles" again.

4.5. Running the Offline Buffer Lab
In this version of the lab, you build your own quiet buffer bombs
manually and then hand them out to the students.  The students work on
solving their bombs offline (i.e., independently of any autograding
service) and then handin their exploit strings for each phase to you,
which you then grade manually.

Use the ./ script to build the quiet buffer bomb:

    unix> ./ 

This creates the three binaries ./src/bufbomb, ./src/hex2raw, and
./src/makecookie, and copies them to the ./buflab-handout/ directory,
which you can then tar up and hand out to students.

The students will handin their solution files, which you can validate
manually by feeding to the bomb:

    unix> cd src
    unix> cat <userid>-<level>.txt | ./hex2raw | ./bufbomb

4. malloclab

# CS:APP Malloc Lab
# Handout files for students
# Copyright (c) 2002, R. Bryant and D. O'Hallaron, All rights reserved.
# May not be used, modified, or copied without permission.

Main Files:

	Your solution malloc package. mm.c is the file that you
	will be handing in, and is the only file you should modify.

	The malloc driver that tests your mm.c file

	Two tiny tracefiles to help you get started. 

	Builds the driver

Other support files for the driver

config.h	Configures the malloc lab driver
fsecs.{c,h}	Wrapper function for the different timer packages
clock.{c,h}	Routines for accessing the Pentium and Alpha cycle counters
fcyc.{c,h}	Timer functions based on cycle counters
ftimer.{c,h}	Timer functions based on interval timers and gettimeofday()
memlib.{c,h}	Models the heap and sbrk function

Building and running the driver
To build the driver, type "make" to the shell.

To run the driver on a tiny test trace:

	unix> mdriver -V -f short1-bal.rep

The -V option prints out helpful tracing and summary information.

To get a list of the driver flags:

	unix> mdriver -h


buffer hack, dynamic memory allocator






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