Red Hat
- Tampa, FL
- http://hiramchirino.com
Go Code generator of JSON marshalers/unmarshalers for polymorphic datastructures
Lightweight network boot/install server (DHCP, TFTP, HTTP)
🦔 PostHog provides open-source web & product analytics, session recording, feature flagging and A/B testing that you can self-host. Get started - free.
A React Framework for building internal tools, admin panels, dashboards & B2B apps with unmatched flexibility.
A cloud native Identity Aware Proxy and Access Control Decision service
Taiga is a free and open-source project management for cross-functional agile teams.
Penpot: The open-source design tool for design and code collaboration
Simple, extremely lightweight, extensible, configuration management library for Go. Support for JSON, TOML, YAML, env, command line, file, S3 etc. Alternative to viper.
Apache Camel K is a lightweight integration platform, born on Kubernetes, with serverless superpowers
Plugin for Chef's knife tool for working with Windows nodes
Backport of Java 8's lambda expressions to Java 7, 6 and 5
chirino / swagger-ui
Forked from swagger-api/swagger-uiSwagger UI is a dependency-free collection of HTML, Javascript, and CSS assets that dynamically generate beautiful documentation from a Swagger-compliant API.
chirino / swagger-core
Forked from swagger-api/swagger-coreswagger-core defines Java annotations and required logic to generate a Swagger server or client.
chirino / kotlin
Forked from JetBrains/kotlinThe Kotlin Programming Language
chirino / hawtdispatch
Forked from fusesource/hawtdispatchThe libdispatch style API for Java and Scala
A benchmarking tool for MQTT Servers
chirino / stomp-websocket
Forked from jmesnil/stomp-websocketStomp Client using HTML5 Web Sockets API
chirino / dain-memcached
Forked from dain/memcachedPort of Memcached to Java
Helper to create maven mojo projects in the Scala languages