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Chaos Mesh

Chaos Mesh is a cloud-native Chaos Engineering platform that orchestrates chaos on Kubernetes environments.


This chart bootstraps a Chaos Mesh deployment on a Kubernetes cluster using the Helm package manager.


Before deploying Chaos Mesh, make sure you have installed the Prerequisites. And then follow the install-by-helm doc step by step.


The following tables list the configurable parameters of the Chaos Mesh chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
nameOverride ``
fullnameOverride ``
customLabels Customized labels that will be tagged on all the resources of Chaos Mesh {}
clusterScoped Whether chaos-mesh should manage kubernetes cluster wide chaos.Also see rbac.create and controllerManager.serviceAccount true
rbac.create Creating rbac API Objects. Also see clusterScoped and controllerManager.serviceAccount true
timezone The timezone where controller-manager, chaos-daemon and dashboard uses. For example: UTC, Asia/Shanghai UTC
enableProfiling A flag to enable pprof in controller-manager and chaos-daemon true
enableCtrlServer A flag to enable ctrlserver which provides service to chaosctl in controller-manager. true
images.registry The global container registry for the images, you could replace it with your self-hosted container registry.
images.tag The global image tag (for example, semiVer with prefix v, or latest). latest
imagePullSecrets Global Docker registry secret names as an array [] (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
controllerManager.securityContext Pod securityContext if needed {}
controllerManager.hostNetwork Running chaos-controller-manager on host network false
controllerManager.allowHostNetworkTesting Allow testing on hostNetwork pods false
controllerManager.serviceAccount The serviceAccount for chaos-controller-manager chaos-controller-manager
controllerManager.serviceAccountAnnotations ServiceAccount annotations for chaos-controller-manager {}
controllerManager.serviceAccountCreate Create the serviceAccount for chaos-controller-manager true
controllerManager.priorityClassName Custom priorityClassName for using pod priorities ``
controllerManager.replicaCount Replicas for chaos-controller-manager 3
controllerManager.image.registry Override global registry, empty value means using the global images.registry ``
controllerManager.image.repository Repository part for image of chaos-controller-manager chaos-mesh/chaos-mesh
controllerManager.image.tag Override global tag, empty value means using the global images.tag ``
controllerManager.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy Always
controllerManager.enableFilterNamespace If enabled, only pods in the namespace annotated with "": "enabled" could be injected false
controllerManager.service.type Kubernetes Service type for service chaos-controller-manager ClusterIP
controllerManager.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaos-controller-manager pod {requests: { cpu: "25m", memory: "256Mi" }, limits:{}}
controllerManager.nodeSelector Node labels for chaos-controller-manager pod assignment {}
controllerManager.tolerations Toleration labels for chaos-controller-manager pod assignment []
controllerManager.affinity Map of chaos-controller-manager node/pod affinities {}
controllerManager.podAnnotations Pod annotations of chaos-controller-manager {}
controllerManager.enabledControllers A list of controllers to enable. "*" enables all controllers by default. ["*"]
controllerManager.enabledWebhooks A list of webhooks to enable. "*" enables all webhooks by default. ["*"]
controllerManager.podChaos.podFailure.pauseImage Custom Pause Container Image for Pod Failure Chaos
controllerManager.leaderElection.enabled Enable leader election for controller manager. true
controllerManager.leaderElection.leaseDuration The duration that non-leader candidates will wait to force acquire leadership. This is measured against time of last observed ack. 15s
controllerManager.leaderElection.renewDeadline The duration that the acting control-plane will retry refreshing leadership before giving up. 10s
controllerManager.leaderElection.retryPeriod The duration the LeaderElector clients should wait between tries of actions. 2s
controllerManager.chaosdSecurityMode Enabled for mTLS connection between chaos-controller-manager and chaosd true
chaosDaemon.image.registry Override global registry, empty value means using the global images.registry ``
chaosDaemon.image.repository Repository part for image of chaos-daemon chaos-mesh/chaos-daemon
chaosDaemon.image.tag Override global tag, empty value means using the global images.tag ``
chaosDaemon.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy Always
chaosDaemon.grpcPort The port which grpc server listens on 31767
chaosDaemon.httpPort The port which http server listens on 31766
chaosDaemon.env Extra chaosDaemon envs {}
chaosDaemon.securityContext Pod securityContext if needed {}
chaosDaemon.hostNetwork Running chaosDaemon on host network false
chaosDaemon.mtls.enabled Enable mtls on the grpc connection between chaos-controller-manager and chaos-daemon true
chaosDaemon.privileged Run chaos-daemon container in privileged mode. If it is set to false, chaos-daemon will be run in some specified capabilities. capabilities: SYS_PTRACE, NET_ADMIN, MKNOD, SYS_CHROOT, SYS_ADMIN, KILL, IPC_LOCK true
chaosDaemon.priorityClassName Custom priorityClassName for using pod priorities ``
chaosDaemon.podAnnotations Pod annotations of chaos-daemon {}
chaosDaemon.serviceAccount ServiceAccount name for chaos-daemon chaos-daemon
chaosDaemon.serviceAccountAnnotations ServiceAccount annotations for chaos-daemon {}
chaosDaemon.podSecurityPolicy Specify PodSecurityPolicy(psp) on chaos-daemon pods false
chaosDaemon.runtime Runtime specifies which container runtime to use. Currently we only supports docker, containerd and CRI-O. docker
chaosDaemon.socketPath Specifiesthe path of container runtime socket on the host. /var/run/docker.sock
chaosDaemon.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaosDaemon container {}
chaosDaemon.nodeSelector Node labels for chaos-daemon pod assignment {}
chaosDaemon.tolerations Toleration labels for chaos-daemon pod assignment []
chaosDaemon.affinity Map of chaos-daemon node/pod affinities {}
chaosDaemon.updateStrategy Specify DaemonSetUpdateStrategy for chaos-daemon {}
chaosDaemon.service.scrape.enabled Enable metric scraping from Promethues by annotations true
dashboard.create Enable chaos-dashboard true
dashboard.databaseSecretName Optional, the secret name that has DATABASE_DATASOURCE defined ``
dashboard.rootUrl Specify the base url for openid/oauth2 (like GCP Auth Integration) callback URL. http://localhost:2333
dashboard.securityContext Pod securityContext if needed {}
dashboard.hostNetwork Running chaos-dashboard on host network false
dashboard.replicaCount Replicas of chaos-dashboard 1
dashboard.priorityClassName Custom priorityClassName for using pod priorities ``
dashboard.serviceAccount The serviceAccount for chaos-dashboard chaos-dashboard
dashboard.image.registry Override global registry, empty value means using the global images.registry ``
dashboard.image.repository Repository part for image of chaos-dashboard chaos-mesh/chaos-dashboard
dashboard.image.tag Override global tag, empty value means using the global images.tag ``
dashboard.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy Always
dashboard.securityMode Require user to provide credentials on Chaos Dashboard, instead of using chaos-dashboard service account true
dashboard.gcpSecurityMode Enable GCP Authentication Integration, see: for more details false
dashboard.gcpClientId GCP app's client ID with GCP Authentication Integration ``
dashboard.gcpClientSecret GCP app's client secret with GCP Authentication Integration ``
dashboard.nodeSelector Node labels for chaos-dashboard pod assignment {}
dashboard.tolerations Toleration labels for chaos-dashboard pod assignment []
dashboard.affinity Map of chaos-dashboard node/pod affinities {}
dashboard.podAnnotations Deployment chaos-dashboard annotations {}
dashboard.service.annotations Service annotations for the dashboard {}
dashboard.service.type Service type of the service created for exposing the dashboard NodePort
dashboard.service.clusterIP Set the clusterIP of the dashboard service if the type is ClusterIP nil
dashboard.service.nodePort Set the nodePort of the dashboard service if the type is NodePort nil
dashboard.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaos-dashboard pod requests: { cpu: "25m", memory: "256Mi" }, limits:{}
dashboard.persistentVolume.enabled Enable storage volume for chaos-dashboard. If you are using SQLite as your DB for Chaos Dashboard, it is recommended to enable persistence false
dashboard.persistentVolume.existingClaim Use the existing PVC for persisting chaos event ``
dashboard.persistentVolume.size Chaos Dashboard data Persistent Volume size 8Gi
dashboard.persistentVolume.storageClassName Chaos Dashboard data Persistent Volume Storage Class standard
dashboard.persistentVolume.mountPath Chaos Dashboard data Persistent Volume mount root path /data
dashboard.persistentVolume.subPath Subdirectory of Chaos Dashboard data Persistent Volume to mount ``
dashboard.env The keys within the env map are mounted as environment variables on the Chaos Dashboard pod ``
dashboard.env.LISTEN_HOST The address which chaos-dashboard would listen on.
dashboard.env.LISTEN_PORT The port which chaos-dashboard would listen on. 2333
dashboard.env.METRIC_HOST The address which metrics endpoints would listen on.
dashboard.env.METRIC_PORT The address which metrics endpoints would listen on. 2334
dashboard.env.DATABASE_DRIVER The db driver used for Chaos Dashboard, support db: sqlite3, mysql, postgres sqlite3
dashboard.env.DATABASE_DATASOURCE (Deprecated, use dashboard.databaseSecretName instead) Database DSN used for Chaos Dashboard /data/core.sqlite
dashboard.env.CLEAN_SYNC_PERIOD Set the sync period to clean up archived data 12h
dashboard.env.TTL_EVENT Set TTL of archived event data 168h
dashboard.env.TTL_EXPERIMENT Set TTL of archived experiment data 336h
dashboard.env.TTL_SCHEDULE Set TTL of archived schedule data 336h
dashboard.env.TTL_WORKFLOW Set TTL of archived workflow data 336h
dashboard.ingress.enabled Enable the use of the ingress controller to access the dashboard false
dashboard.ingress.certManager Enable Cert-Manager for ingress false
dashboard.ingress.annotations Annotations for the dashboard Ingress {}
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].name Hostname to your dashboard installation dashboard.local
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].tls Utilize TLS backend in ingress false
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].tlsHosts Array of TLS hosts for ingress record (defaults to ingress.hosts[0].name if nil) nil
dashboard.ingress.hosts[0].tlsSecret TLS Secret (certificates) dashboard.local-tls
dashboard.ingress.paths Paths that map requests to chaos dashboard ["/"]
dashboard.ingress.apiVersionOverrides Override apiVersion of ingress rendered by this helm chart ``
dashboard.ingress.ingressClassName Defines which ingress controller will implement the resource ``
dnsServer.create Enable DNS Server which required by DNSChaos true
dnsServer.serviceAccount Name of serviceaccount for chaos-dns-server. chaos-dns-server
dnsServer.image.registry Override global registry, empty value means using the global images.registry ``
dnsServer.image.repository Repository part for image of chaos-dns-server chaos-mesh/chaos-coredns
dnsServer.image.tag Override global tag, empty value means using the global images.tag v0.2.6
dnsServer.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
dnsServer.priorityClassName Customized priorityClassName for chaos-dns-server ``
dnsServer.nodeSelector Node labels for chaos-dns-server pod assignment ``
dnsServer.tolerations Toleration labels for chaos-dns-server pod assignment []
dnsServer.podAnnotations Pod annotations of chaos-dns-server `` The service name of chaos-dns-server chaos-mesh-dns-server
dnsServer.grpcPort Grpc port for chaos-dns-server 9288
dnsServer.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaos-dns-server pod requests: { cpu: "100m", memory: "70Mi" }, limits:{}
dnsServer.env.LISTEN_HOST The address of chaos-dns-server listen on
dnsServer.env.LISTEN_PORT The port of chaos-dns-server listen on 53
prometheus.create Enable prometheus false
prometheus.serviceAccount The serviceAccount for prometheus prometheus
prometheus.image Docker image for prometheus prom/prometheus:v2.15.2
prometheus.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
prometheus.priorityClassName Custom priorityClassName for using pod priorities ``
prometheus.nodeSelector Node labels for prometheus pod assignment {}
prometheus.tolerations Toleration labels for prometheus pod assignment []
prometheus.affinity Map of prometheus node/pod affinities {}
prometheus.podAnnotations Deployment prometheus annotations {}
prometheus.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for prometheus pod requests: { cpu: "250m", memory: "512Mi" }, limits:{ cpu: "500m", memory: "1024Mi" }
prometheus.service.type Kubernetes Service type ClusterIP Storage size of PVC 2Gi
prometheus.volume.storageClassName Storage class of PVC standard
webhook.certManager.enabled Setup the webhook using cert-manager false
webhook.timeoutSeconds Timeout for admission webhooks in seconds 5
webhook.FailurePolicy Defines how unrecognized errors and timeout errors from the admission webhook are handled Fail
webhook.CRDS Define a list of chaos types that implement admission webhook [podchaos,iochaos,timechaos,networkchaos,kernelchaos,stresschaos,awschaos,azurechaos,gcpchaos,dnschaos,jvmchaos,schedule,workflow,httpchaos,bnlockchaos,physicalmachinechaos,phsicalmachine,statuscheck]
bpfki.create Enable chaos-kernel false
bpfki.image.registry Override global registry, empty value means using the global images.registry ``
bpfki.image.repository Repository part for image of chaos-kernel chaos-mesh/chaos-kernel
bpfki.image.tag Override global tag, empty value means using the global images.tag ``
bpfki.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent
bpfki.grpcPort The port which grpc server listens on 50051
bpfki.resources CPU/Memory resource requests/limits for chaos-kernel container {}
chaosDlv.enable Create sidecar remote debugging container false
chaosDlv.image.registry Override global registry, empty value means using the global images.registry false
chaosDlv.repository Repository part for image of chaos-dlv chaos-mesh/chaos-dlv
chaosDlv.tag Override global tag, empty value means using the global images.tag false
chaosDlv.imagePullPolicy Image pull policy IfNotPresent

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example,

# helm 2.X
helm install helm/chaos-mesh --name=chaos-mesh --namespace=chaos-mesh
# helm 3.X
helm install chaos-mesh helm/chaos-mesh --namespace=chaos-mesh

The above command enable the Chaos Dashboard.

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example,

# helm 2.X
helm install helm/chaos-mesh --name=chaos-mesh --namespace=chaos-mesh -f values.yaml
# helm 3.X
helm install chaos-mesh helm/chaos-mesh --namespace=chaos-mesh -f values.yaml

Tip: You can use the default values.yaml

Configuration and installation details

Using cert-manager for certificate management

Cert-manager may be the default in the K8s world for certificate management now. If you want to install Cert-manager using the Helm package manager, please refer to the official documents.

Example for deploy Cert-manager

helm repo add jetstack
helm repo update

# if Kubernetes > 1.18/Helm 3.2
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.6.1 --set installCRDs=true

# else
kubectl apply -f
helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --create-namespace --version v1.6.1

In case you want to using Cert-manager for certificate management, you can use the webhook.certManager.enabled property.

    enabled: true

The webhook's cert and the MutatingAdmissionWebhook's caBundle property will be managed by the Certificate of Cert-manager.

In case your Cert-manager's option enable-certificate-owner-ref is true, it means that deleting a certificate resource will also delete its secret.

The Cert-manager's option enable-certificate-owner-ref refer to the following:



You can install your Cert-manager looks like this.

helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --namespace cert-manager --version v0.13.1 --set extraArgs={"--enable-certificate-owner-ref"="true"}