####Introduction: This is a simple but complete example project that demonstrate skynet game framework's usage. It implements a multi room server, that many client can connect to this server, switch between rooms, talk in the room publicly or send private message to specific user privately. User will got exp in each room and can give exp to other user, the user have highest exp will be auto elected as the room manager, who has the power to kick other member out of the room. Hopes skynet will be much more prosperous.
- Login Server, Gate Server, Watchdog, Agent Architecture, All communication encoded with builtin sproto protocol
- modify loginserver and gateserver from \n separated protocol to 2 bytes length prefixed string
- login server auth with a third party URL to verify the token offered by client during login process, demostrates facebook, weibo login mode in today's game client
- use redis to collect log data from game server, and use crontab script transfer the log data from redis to it's final destination(crontab script not implemented)
- precreate agents to agent pool and periodically check if need create more.
- load user data from mysql and save user data to mysql periodically and when user away from keyboard or logout.
mysql server listen on 3306, root with empty password create a database named: skynetdemo, and import skynetdemo.sql
redis server listen on 6379
LAMP enviroment, and make sure web/auth.php can visited as
git clone https://github.com/greathqy/mud_build_on_skynet.git
cd mud_build_on_skynet
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd skynet
make linux
modify config/config.game.dev to suit your enviroment
./skynet ../config/config.game.dev
cd 3rd/lua
./lua ../../../client/client.lua loginserver_host loginserver_port gameserver_host gameserver_port username password
then you can use these command to act with server: login
enterroom roomid
say content
sayto userid content
kick userid
sendexp to_userid points
- 登陆服务器,网关服务器,看门狗,用户代理架构,通讯使用sproto协议
- 修改了登录服务器和网关服务器,不用\n分割的文本协议,而使用二字节头部指定长度的字符串
- 登陆服务器向第三方网关验证客户端提交来的token,模拟客户端通过facebook微博等方式登录的情形
- 使用redis搜集服务器日志,用crontab脚本将日志转移到其他地方存储(没实现crontab脚本)
- 使用一个agent池,预创建一批agent加速登录过程,并定期检查是否要补充
- 使用mysql存取用户数据,并对用户定期存档,或在离线和退出登录时自动存档
mysql服务器监听于3306端口,空密码的root账户 创建一个叫skynetdemo的数据库,并导入skynetdemo.sql
LAMP环境, 确保web/auth.php能通过http://被访问到
git clone https://github.com/greathqy/mud_build_on_skynet.git
cd mud_build_on_skynet
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd skynet
make linux
modify config/config.game.dev to suit your enviroment
./skynet ../config/config.game.dev
cd 3rd/lua
./lua ../../../client/client.lua loginserver_host loginserver_port gameserver_host gameserver_port username password
enterroom roomid
say content
sayto userid content
kick userid
sendexp to_userid points