OSAC is the Open Source Audible Converter.
OSAC's features are as follows:
- Convert audible's proprietary AAX audio files to one of the following file formats:
- LAME MP3 Audio
- AAC M4B Audiobook
- FLAC HQ Audio
Completely removes the files Digital Rights Management (DRM) protection and makes it playable to all common audio players.
Adjustable quality slider for MP3 and M4B (FLAC gets encoded @ 2600 kbit/s so prepare for huge file sizes).
Simple usage.
Donations are gladly accepted. Please send them to my Paypal.me to support the development, and maintenance of this project. Thank you!
OSAC is currently being developed and maintained by adrifcastr.
In no particular order, I credit the following for their invaluable contributions:
- Evan#8119 for help w/ the TextBox console redirection.
- Sylveon#8666 for help w/ the TextBox console redirection.
- jbodan for Pull Request #4