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Reservationist - a React-based, scalable, customizable and fully mobile responsive app for any business or personal use. This iteration is styled with SCSS and customized for a Restaurant Reservation System.


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Reservationist-2 📖 📝

Purpose of this Project

Booking the best table in the house just got easier! "Reservationist-2" allows an individual user or company to record and retrive reservation information. Reservationist is built in React with SCSS styling which permits each individual element to occupy separate files making the product easily scalable and customizable by swapping components in and out as required for a wide variety of end users. Reservationist is fully responsive for a seamless mobile user experience. This version of the Reservationist has been customized for use in food service and restaurant environments. As an added feature a link has been provided to our Expense-Manager product so they can easily take reservations or record invoices anywhere on their mobile device.

Table of Contents

How to Use

Login with your Google account.


The reservationist-2 has been deployed to a Heroku Dyno and can be used by following the link. (Note: Resting Dyno's can often take 10 to 15 seconds to spin up on initial load and are not indicative of a sites true load speed.)

Screenshots of this Project




Technologies Utilized

Core Styling/Authentication Dependencies Dev Environment/Testing
React SCSS AirBnB/React-Dates Babelrc Compiler
Express Google Fonts Moment.js WebPack
NodeJS normalize.css Numeral.js Jest Testing Framework
Redux Google Login Yarn Redux-Devtools-Extension
Firebase DB Firebase AuthO UUID extract-text-webpack-plugin
JSX Validator Redux-Thunk Babel Poly-Fill
JavaScript CSS3 RegEx LiveServer
HTML5 dotenv CSS Loader History

Server-side Data Input Validation (Firebase)

  "rules": {
    ".read": false,
    ".write": false,
    "users": {
      "$user_id": {
        ".read": "$user_id === auth.uid",
        ".write": "$user_id === auth.uid",
        "expenses": {
          "$expense_id": {
            ".validate": "newData.hasChildren(['description', 'note', 'createdAt', 'amount'])",
              "description": {
                ".validate": "newData.isString() && newData.val().length > 0"
              "note": {
                ".validate": "newData.isString()"
              "createdAt": {
                ".validate": "newData.isNumber()"
              "amount": {
                ".validate": "newData.isNumber()"
              "$other": {
            	".validate": false
          "$other": {
            ".validate": false

Steps to Deploy Locally

  1. Clone down this repo
  2. Restore dependencies by running yarn install in the root of your local repo
  3. Restore production files by running yarn run build:prod
  4. Start local server by running yarn run dev-server
  5. You are now in development mode on localhost:8080
  6. Deploy to hot of your choice: ex.; Heroku
  7. Connect to a database and authentication of your choice: ex.; Firebase
  8. Create Firebase DB and authentication per Firebase documentation
  9. Add API keys to your local project
  10. Set Firebase API keys in Heroku: heroku config:set <list all 6 keys separated by a space>
  11. You now should be able to login on your deployed site

Note: If you encounter a FIREBASE FATAL ERROR when you attempt to launch your app, please refer to the repo Firebase-Fatal-Error-Heroku-Deploy-Solved for a possible solution.

Companion Versions of the App

This app was built in React to be easily scalable. Other versions of this app can be found on the following repo's.

License - MIT


Reservationist - a React-based, scalable, customizable and fully mobile responsive app for any business or personal use. This iteration is styled with SCSS and customized for a Restaurant Reservation System.




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