A Bukkit plugin that customize server's restart behavior. Public under GPLv2.
- /uptime
- This command print "2017-12-07 up 33 min(s), 39920 tick(s); Load avg: 20.0, 20.0, 20.0".
- /at
- This command schedule command to run at today or tomorrow's given clock.
- Syntax like "/at 12:00 say hi", "/at 2018-11-11T00:01 say hi" or "/at +1h say hi".
- Allowed unit suffix are (s)econd, (m)inus, (h)our and (d)ay.
- /every
- This command schedule command to run at everyday(s)'s given clock.
- Syntax like "/every 12:00 say hello"
- or "/every 1h say hello". Allowed unit suffix are (s)econd, (m)inus, (h)our and (d)ay.
- /atq
- This command manage all scheduled task.
- /shutdown
- Kick all player(s) to other hub defined in
and stop the server.
- Kick all player(s) to other hub defined in
- /halt
- Kill the server immediately without data save and cleanup.
- This command call
taskkill /f
if server in windows, other wisekill -9
- /sudo
- The "Switch user do" just like linux's.
- Syntax like "/sudo him say hahaha".
- /dumpmemory
- dump JVM.
- /async
- Call commands asynchronous.
- /echo <player_name> [msg...]
- Format messages for given player.
- /exit
- Shutdown server if no players online.
- /lag [time]
- Start or stop server lag simulation.
- Optional parameter to set lag time in milliseconds per tick.
- /msg <player_name> <message...>
- Send formatted message to specified player.
- Support color codes with &.
- /curl <url> [data]
- /alias <command>
- Detect if the command is an alias
- /rconnect <player> <server>
- Transport the player to another server.
- /velocity <player> [multiplier]
- Give a push to the player. You can specify the multiplier.
- /cmdall <command...>
- Execute commands for all players. Each player's placeholders will be replaced.
- /cmd <player_name> <command...>
- Execute commands for given player.
- Use
to select random one. - Use
to select random players. - placeholders will be replaced.
- /if <...>
- See below.
Run expression in config.yml to known when to shutdown. If you want to disable it, set it to null or empty string.
variable | description |
flow | Count player join and quit |
join | Count player joined |
login | Count player try login |
memory | Ratio of memory usage(0-1) |
online | Current online-player count |
time | Server run time by second |
tps | Latest 1 minute tps(0-20) |
Enable commands alt checker by setting commands_alt_checker
in config.yml. You must set the name of the command instead of the alias, and all aliases will be resolved automatically.
# deny if player not has permission "command.help.use"
- "help"
- "plugins"
- "version"
Spawn and remove npc automatic.
# spawn time(inclusive, optional)
from: 2021-12-25T00:00
# remove time(exclusive, optional)
to: 2022-01-01T00:00
Holograms with refresh time.
- FASTEST - 0.1 seconds.
- FAST - 0.5 seconds
- MEDIUM - 1 seconds
- SLOW - 5 seconds
- SLOWEST - 10 seconds.
# BOTTOM_UP or TOP_DOWN, default to TOP_DOWN
direction: TOP_DOWN
# default to -1
lineHeight: -1.0
'0': 第一行
'1': 第二行
'2': '%time_until_2021-12-24T00:00%'
# default to SLOW
refresh: SLOW
# Set to -1 to disable, default to 500ms.
cd: 500
# Run anyway
'0': say hello, %player_name%
# Run if matches rules
if: '%player_has_permission_vip%'
cmd: |
give %player_name% stone
give %player_name% diamond_pickaxe
# Break pipeline if matched
continuous: false
cmd: title %player_name% actionbar You are not VIP
# Show NPC if matches rule, or check next if exists.
if: '%player_has_permission_<permissionName>%'
hide: false
# Hide NPC if matches rule, or show if rules end.
if: '!%player_has_permission_<permissionName2>%'
hide: true
You can combine rules.
# Log all activity
- action: LOG
# Dump stack trace if context is "Server thread"
- action: TRACE
context: Server thread
# Accept if host is "trusted.com"
- action: ACCEPT
host: trusted.com
# Reject if host is "example.com" and context is "Server thread"
- action: REJECT
context: Server thread
scheme: http(s)?
host: example.com
- Returns a random integer between 0 and 100%nextint_1_100%
- Returns a random integer between 1 and 100%nexttext_a_b_c%
- Returns a random text from the given list%nexttext_@file.txt%
- Returns a random line from the specified file
if expr %vip_level% > 0; then give %player_name% diamond; tell %player_name% You got diamond!; else give %player_name% apple; tell %player_name% You got apple!; fi
Command must correctly implement the return value, i.e., return false on failure.
if coins take %player_name% 100; then give %player_name% diamond; else tell %player_name% You don't have enough coins!; fi
if expr %vip_level% == 3; then give %player_name% diamond 3; elif expr %vip_level% == 2; then give %player_name% diamond 2; else give %player_name% diamond; fi
An example of give money to all vip's every 2h.
every 2h cmdall if expr %vip_level% > 0; then money give %player_name% 50; fi