we have just upgraded to API 2024.04. our config is:
var $buoop={required:{e:-2,f:-2,o:-2,s:-2,c:-2},api:2024.04,insecure:!0,unsupported:!0,reminder:168,reminderClosed:720,newwindow:!0,shift_page_down:!1};function $buo_f(){var e=document.createElement("script");e. src="",document.body.appendChild(e)}try{document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",$buo_f,!1)}catch(e){window.attachEvent("onload",$buo_f)}
so i would expect:
- the warning to show if the browser version is latest - 3 versions
- the warning NOT to show if version is latest - 2 versions
i tested major browser versions in browserstack, here are the results:
Windows 11
Edge 123 (latest) --> no warning, correct
Edge 122 (latest - 1) --> no warning, correct
Edge 121 (latest - 2) --> no warning, correct
Edge 120 (latest - 3) --> no warning, wrong
Edge 119 (latest - 4) --> warning, correct
Firefox 124 (latest) --> no warning, correct
Firefox 123 (latest - 1) --> no warning, correct
Firefox 122 (latest - 2) --> warning, wrong
Firefox 121 (latest - 3) --> warning, correct
Chrome 123 (latest) --> no warning, correct
Chrome 122 (latest - 1) --> no warning, correct
Chrome 121 (latest - 2) --> warning, wrong
Chrome 120 (latest - 3) --> warning, correct
Safari 17.4 (latest) --> no warning, correct
Safari 17.3 (latest - 1 minor version) --> warning, wrong
Safari 16.5 (latest - 1 major version) --> warning, wrong
so my questions are:
- can you confirm that the detection is buggy? or is this working as expected?
- will it be fixed?
we have been users of this wonderful script for many years. but as we get so many false positives we are thinking about removing the script from our solution (which is by the way used by thousands of users daily).
thank you for your answer.