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tonsky committed Aug 3, 2014
1 parent 1947aaa commit a73923e
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Showing 7 changed files with 366 additions and 23 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion project.clj
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@

:dependencies [
[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2268"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "0.0-2277"]
:cljsbuild {
:builds [
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/datascript.cljs
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(compare t1 t2)))

(defn- cmp-val [o1 o2]
(defn cmp-val [o1 o2]
(if (and (some? o1) (some? o2))
(let [t1 (type o1)
t2 (type o2)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,8 +352,8 @@
(not-empty wheres) ;; parsing wheres
(let [where (first wheres)]

;; rule (rule ?a ?b ?c)
(if-let [rule-branches (get (:__rules scope) (first where))]
;; rule (rule ?a ?b ?c)
(let [[rule & call-args] where
next-scope (-> scope
(update-in [:__rules_ctx rule] conj call-args)
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295 changes: 295 additions & 0 deletions src/datascript/query.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
(ns datascript.query
[clojure.set :as set]
[datascript :as d :refer [Datom cmp-val]]
[datascript.btset :refer [btset-by slice]]))

(defrecord Context [rels sources])

;; attrs:
;; { ?e [0 :e]
;; ?a [0 :v]
;; ?e2 [1 0]
;; ?a2 [1 1]}
;; tuples:
;; [ [(Datom. 1 :age 15) [2 22]]
;; [(Datom. 2 :age 22) [4 33]]
;; ... ]
(defrecord Relation [attrs tuples])

(defn get-path [o [i k]]
(if k
(-> o (aget i) (get k))
(get o i)))

(defn intersect-keys [m1 m2]
(set/intersection (set (keys m1)) (set (keys m2))))

(defn rel-depth [rel]
(-> (:attrs rel) vals first count))

(defn map-vals [f m]
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [k (f v)]) m)))

(defn concatv [& xs]
(vec (apply concat xs)))

(defn hash-attrs [paths tuples]
(loop [tuples tuples
hash-table (transient {})]
(if-let [tuple (first tuples)]
(let [key (mapv #(get-path tuple %) paths)]
(recur (next tuples)
(assoc! hash-table key (conj (get hash-table key []) tuple))))
(persistent! hash-table))))

(defn hash-join [rel1 rel2]
(.time js/console "hash-join")
(let [common-attrs (vec (intersect-keys (:attrs rel1) (:attrs rel2)))
tuples1 (:tuples rel1)
tuples2 (:tuples rel2)
common-paths1 (mapv (:attrs rel1) common-attrs)
common-paths2 (mapv (:attrs rel2) common-attrs)
_ (.time js/console "hash-attrs")
hash (hash-attrs common-paths1 (:tuples rel1))
_ (.timeEnd js/console "hash-attrs")
rel-depth1 (rel-depth rel1)
rel-depth2 (rel-depth rel2)

_ (.time js/console "new-tuples")
new-tuples (->>
(reduce (fn [acc tuple2]
(let [key (mapv #(get-path tuple2 %) common-paths2)]
(if-let [tuples1 (get hash key)]
(let [tuple2 (if (> rel-depth2 1) tuple2 #js [tuple2])]
(reduce (fn [acc tuple1]
(let [tuple1 (if (> rel-depth1 1) tuple1 #js [tuple1])]
(conj! acc (.concat tuple1 tuple2))))
acc tuples1))
(transient []) tuples2)
_ (.timeEnd js/console "new-tuples")

attrs1 (cond->> (:attrs rel1)
(== rel-depth1 1)
(map-vals (fn [[y]] [0 y])))
max-x (->> (vals attrs1)
(map first)
(reduce max))
attrs2 (cond->> (:attrs rel2)
(== rel-depth2 1)
(map-vals (fn [[y]] [0 y]))
(map-vals (fn [[x y]] [(+ x 1 max-x) y])))]
(.timeEnd js/console "hash-join")
(Relation. (merge attrs2 attrs1) new-tuples)))

;; (hash-join (Relation. {'?e [0] '?a [1] '?v [2]}
;; [[1 :name "Ivan"]
;; [2 :name "Igor"]
;; [3 :name "Petr"]])
;; (Relation. {'?e [0] '?age [2]}
;; [[1 :age 15]
;; [3 :age 25]]))
;; (hash-join (Relation. {'?e [0] '?sex [2]}
;; [[1 :sex :m]
;; [3 :sex :f]])
;; (Relation. {'?e [0 0] '?name [0 2] '?age [1 2] }
;; [[[1 :name "Ivan"] [1 :age 15]]
;; [[2 :name "Igor"] [3 :age 22]]
;; [[3 :name "Petr"] [3 :age 25]]]))

(defn match-pattern [pattern tuple]
(loop [tuple tuple
pattern pattern]
(if (and tuple pattern)
(let [t (first tuple)
p (first pattern)]
(if (or (symbol? p) (= t p))
(recur (next tuple) (next pattern))

(defn build-relation-db [db pattern]
(let [search-pattern (mapv #(if (symbol? %) nil %) pattern)
datoms (d/-search db search-pattern)
attr->path (->> (map (fn [symbol i] [symbol [i]]) pattern [:e :a :v :t])
(filter (fn [[s _]] (and (symbol? s)
(not= '_ s))))
(into {}))]
(Relation. attr->path datoms)))

;; (build-relation-db (-> (d/empty-db)
;; (d/with [[:db/add 1 :name "Ivan"]
;; [:db/add 1 :age 15]
;; [:db/add 2 :name "Petr"]
;; [:db/add 2 :age 34]]))
;; ['?e '?a "Ivan"])

(defn build-relation-coll [coll pattern]
(let [data (filter #(match-pattern pattern %) coll)
attr->path (->> (map (fn [symbol i] [symbol [i]]) pattern (range))
(filter (fn [[s _]] (and (symbol? s)
(not= '_ s))))
(into {}))]
(Relation. attr->path data)))

(defn build-relation [source pattern]
(instance? d/DB source)
(build-relation-db source pattern)
(build-relation-coll source pattern)))

(defn collapse-rels [rels new-rel]
(loop [rels rels
new-rel new-rel
acc []]
(if-let [rel (first rels)]
(if (not-empty (intersect-keys (:attrs new-rel) (:attrs rel)))
(recur (next rels) (hash-join rel new-rel) acc)
(recur (next rels) new-rel (conj acc rel)))
(conj acc new-rel))))

(defn resolve-clause [context clause]
(let [[source-symbol & pattern] clause
source (get (:sources context) source-symbol)
relation (build-relation source pattern)]
(update-in context [:rels] collapse-rels relation)))

(defn -q [sources clauses]
(reduce resolve-clause (Context. [] sources) clauses))

(defn -collect [acc rels symbols]
(if-let [rel (first rels)]
(let [paths (->> symbols
(map (:attrs rel))
(remove nil?))]
(if (empty? paths)
(recur acc (next rels) symbols)
(recur (for [t1 acc
t2 (:tuples rel)]
(concatv t1 (mapv #(get-path t2 %) paths)))
(next rels)

#_(-q {'$ [[1 :name "Ivan" 42]
[1 :age 15 34]
[2 :name "Petr" 42]
[2 :age 34 43]]}
'[[$ ?e :name ?n ?t]
[$ ?e :age ?a ?t2]])

(defn search [db]
(.time js/console "search/-q")
(let [context (-q {'$ db}
'[[$ ?e :name "Ivan"]
[$ ?e :age ?a]])
_ (.timeEnd js/console "search/-q")]
(-collect [[]] (:rels context) '[?e ?a])))

#_(search (-> (d/empty-db)
(d/with [ [:db/add 1 :name "Ivan"]
[:db/add 1 :age 15]
[:db/add 2 :name "Petr"]
[:db/add 2 :age 34]])))

;; (defn -search2 [db a1 v1 a2]
;; (let [rel-e (slice (.-avet db)
;; (Datom. nil a1 v1 nil nil))
;; hash1 (hash-attr #(.-e %) rel-e)
;; rel-a (slice (.-aevt db)
;; (Datom. (:min hash1) a2 nil nil nil)
;; (Datom. (:max hash1) a2 nil nil nil))]
;; (hash-join [#(.-e %)] hash1 rel-a #(.-e %) [#(.-v %)])))

;; (defn search2 [db] (-search2 db :name "Ivan" :age))

;; (defn -search3 [db a1 v1 a2]
;; (let [rel-e (slice (.-avet db)
;; (Datom. nil a1 v1 nil nil))
;; min (.-e (first rel-e))
;; rel-a (slice (.-aevt db)
;; (Datom. min a2 nil nil nil)
;; (Datom. nil a2 nil nil nil))]
;; (sort-join rel-e #(.-e %) [#(.-e %)]
;; rel-a #(.-e %) [#(.-v %)])))

;; (defn search3 [db] (-search3 db :name "Ivan" :age))

(defn in? [vector el]
(>= (.indexOf vector el) 0))

(defn bound? [symbol vars]
(and (symbol? symbol)
(in? vars symbol)))

(defn unbound? [symbol vars]
(and (symbol? symbol)
(not (in? vars symbol))))

;; (defn -q-clause [where vars data]
;; (let [bound (filter #(bound? % vars) where)
;; unbound (filter #(unbound? % vars) where)
;; bound-vals (into {} (for [var bound]
;; [var (build-var var data)]))]
;; ...

;; (defn -q [ins->sources where vars data])

;; (defn q [query & sources]
;; (-q (zipmap (:in query '[$]) sources)
;; (:where query)
;; [] []))

;; (defn aconj [arr x]
;; (datascript.btset/insert arr (alength arr) #js [x]))

;; (defn get-avet [db a v]
;; (->> (slice (.-avet db) (Datom. nil a v nil nil))
;; (mapv #(vector (.-e %)))))

;; (defn get-aevt [db a es]
;; (let [lookup-hash (hash-attr #(nth % 0) es)
;; lookup-map (:hash-table lookup-hash)
;; ;; {:min (aget (first es) 0)
;; ;; :max (aget (nth es (dec (count es))) 0)}
;; datoms (slice (.-aevt db)
;; (Datom. (:min lookup-hash) a nil nil nil)
;; (Datom. (:max lookup-hash) a nil nil nil))]
;; (->>
;; ;; (loop [_res (transient [])
;; ;; _ds datoms
;; ;; _es es]
;; ;; (let [_fd (first _ds)
;; ;; _fe (first _es)]
;; ;; (if (and _fd _fe)
;; ;; (condp == (cmp-val (.-e _fd) (aget _fe 0))
;; ;; 0 (recur (conj! _res #js [(aget _fe 0) (.-v _fd)]) (next _ds) (next _es))
;; ;; -1 (recur _res (next _ds) _es)
;; ;; 1 (recur _res _ds (next _es))
;; ;; )
;; ;; _res)))

;; (reduce (fn [acc d]
;; (if-let [datas (get lookup-map (.-e d))]
;; (reduce (fn [acc data]
;; (conj! acc (conj data (.-v d))))
;; acc datas)
;; acc))
;; (transient []) datoms)
;; (persistent!))))

;; (defn search [db]
;; (->> (get-avet db :name "Ivan")
;; (get-aevt db :age)))

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/test/datascript/btset.cljs
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(def test-matrix [:target { ;; "sorted-set" (sorted-set)
(def test-matrix [:target { "sorted-set" (sorted-set)
"btset" (btset)}
;; :distinct? [true false]
;; :size [100 500 1000 2000 5000 10000 20000 50000]
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6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions test/test/datascript/perf.cljs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(defn suite [f & {:as opts}]
(let [opts (-> (merge {:duration 1000
:repeats 5}
:repeats 5
:setup-fn identity}
(update-in [:matrix] #(partition 2 %))
(update-in [:matrix] reverse))
results (vec (-suite f opts))]
(prn results)


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