This is a library for embedding a Lua interpreter in Arduino projects.
Works on platforms with large memory footprints, currently requires about 80k of program flash.
Example sketch found in examples/src, can be built with Platformio.
- teensy40, teensy41
- teensy36
- teensy31 (Teensy 3.1, 3.2)
- adafruit_itsybitsy_m4
- trinket_m0
- due
- nano_33_iot
- teensy35
- adafruit_feather_nrf52840
- disco_l475vg_iot01a
- sipeed-maix-bit
- ESP32 lolin32
- ESP8266 d1_mini
- pinoccio
Based on initial the work of AnthonyDiGirolamo from AnthonyDiGirolamo/lua-teensyduino:
This is Lua 5.1.5 with the following patches:
This is used in eLua and nodemcu
Original patch can be found here:
- Fix stdio
- Add helper methods for adding C callbacks
- Add Lua bindings for standard Arduino functions
- (Programming in Lua book)[]
- (Sample Lua and C code)[]