Forked from Ryan Bates dotfiles :)
Run the following commands in your terminal. It will prompt you before it does anything destructive.
git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake install
After installing, open a new terminal window to see the effects.
Follow to install the fonts required by powerlevel9k
. Set these fonts in the iTerm2 Preferences
> Profiles
> Choose profile
> Text
(both Font and Non-ASCII Font).
This repo also stores the iterm2 settings in the folder /iterm2
To restore them go to Preferences
> General
> Load preferences from a custom folder or URL
and paste the path to the iterm2 to into the text field. Also check Save changes to folder when iTerm2 quits
To remove the dotfile configs, run the unlink
command on the linked files.
unlink ~/.gitignore
unlink ~/.vimrc
rm ~/.zshrc # careful here as it is not linked
rm ~/.gitconfig # careful here as it is not linked
rm -rf ~/.dotfiles
rm -rf ~/.oh-my-zsh
chsh -s /bin/bash # change back to Bash if you want
Then open a new terminal window to see the effects.