C# Anti-Debug and Anti-Dumping techniques using Win32/NT API functions. There are certain functions/methods like the anti-dump that were created by other people.
- PoC: Prevent a debugger from attaching to managed .NET processes via a watcher process code pattern.
- Anti Virtual Machine & VPS
- Anti Dump - Clears headers and some secret magic ontop (WARNING! It breaks applications which are obfuscated)
- Check for managed debugger
- Check for unmanaged debugger
- Check for remote debugger
- Check debug port
- Detach from debugger process
- Check for kernel debugger
- Hides current process OS thread ( managed threads soon )
- Scan and Kill debuggers (ollydbg, x32dbg, x64dbg, Immunity, MegaDumper, etc)
Get it on NuGet:
PM> Install-Package AntiDebugging
Or via the .NET Core command line interface:
dotnet add package AntiDebugging