Laptop and Desktop browser for OS X, Windows and Linux.
Clone the git repository from GitHub:
git clone
Open the working directory:
cd browser-laptop
Install the Node dependencies:
npm install
To start the server and file watchers run the following on the command line:
npm run watch
To run the browser:
npm start
To run the tests:
npm run watch-test or npm run watch-all
npm test
See docs/ for information on debugging.
We are currently using a fork of Electron with some minor modifications here:
Build instructions:
From within brave-browser you can create a .app file for distribution:
npm run build-darwin
After the .app file is built you can create a dmg with:
npm run installer-darwin
Prerequisite: You must have NSIS installed.
To create a folder with the app .exe and all dependencies:
npm run build-win64
After the above folder is created, you can create an NSIS based installer with:
npm run installer-win64
Packaging is not implemented yet for other platforms, but it would be simple for linux.
Development builds will automatically open developer tools within the browser.