Googlers have the ability to provision self-service Linux VMs called "CloudTop instances" which run on Google's internal infrastructure. This guide walks Googlers through the process of using CloudTop to provision an Anthos bare metal environment inside of Google's internal
GCP Organization.
First, ensure that you have a CloudTop instance provisioned and powered on. Afterwards, you can connect to it and complete the rest of the ABM provisioning process.
# Generate a session token to connect to CloudTop
# Connect to your CloudTop instance
export CLOUDTOP_ALIAS=<This is usually your Google LDAP>
# Generate another session token from inside CloudTop
Now you are ready to run the following commands from inside your new CloudTop session.
git clone
cd abm-quickstart-for-googlers
git fetch && git checkout v0.1.2
make help
PROJECT_ID=<Enter your Anthos bare metal GCP Project ID>
PROJECT_NUMBER=<Enter your Anthos bare metal GCP Project Number>
USER_EMAIL=<Enter the email address associated with your GCP project (e.g.,>
DOMAIN=<Enter a routable Cloud DNS domain (e.g.,>
make set-gcp-project
make enable-gcp-apis
make configure-iam
make create-config-bucket
make create-vms
make create-abm-cluster -e CLUSTER_NAME=hybrid-cluster-001
make create-abm-cluster -e CLUSTER_NAME=user-cluster-001
# hybrid cluster
make google-identity-login -e CLUSTER_NAME=hybrid-cluster-001
# user cluster
make google-identity-login -e CLUSTER_NAME=user-cluster-001
IMPORTANT: Cloud Build Hybrid is still in Private Preview, so you will first need to complete this form in order to be allow-listed to access the API.
To use this feature you will need to create a container registry that can be used for pushing and pulling images.
make create-artifact-registry
Once you have been granted access to the Private Preview API, run the following command to install the Cloud Build Hybrid controller.
# hybrid cluster
make cloud-build-hybrid -e CLUSTER_NAME=hybrid-cluster-001
# user cluster
make cloud-build-hybrid -e CLUSTER_NAME=user-cluster-001
Finally, run a test build to confirm that Cloud Build Hybrid is working as expected
make test-cloud-build -e CLUSTER_NAME=hybrid-cluster-001
If you hit any issues with your ABM installation. The following commands will generate some useful troubleshooting information.
make check-bootstrap-status
# For example, this generates a snapshot for a user cluster
make get-diagnostic-snapshot -e CLUSTER_NAME=user-cluster-001
Once you are finished experimenting with your ABM clusters, you can gracefully tear them down by running the following commands.
# Reset the user cluster first because it has a dependancy on the hybrid cluster
make reset-cluster -e CLUSTER_NAME=user-cluster-001
# Finally reset the hybrid cluster
make reset-cluster -e CLUSTER_NAME=hybrid-cluster-001
make delete-vms