- Object-oriented programming [link]
Collection of algorithms and data structures implemented in Python and C++. For an optimal learning experience it is recommended to study the material in the following order:
Disjoint-set: (data structure) [link]
Stack: (abstract data structure) [link]
Queue: (abstract data structure) [link]
Elementary sort: (sorting algorithm) TBD [selection sort, insertion sort, shellsort]
Mergesort: (sorting algorithm) [link]
Quicksort: (sorting algorithm) [link]
Priority-Queue: (data structure) similarly to a Queue it stores an array of values, but when
is called the largest value (higher priority) is returned [link] -
Symbol Tables: (data structure) the primary purpose is to associate a key to a value. The best standard implementation is based on ordered arrays and has O(log N) time complexity for
and O(N) time complexity forput()
[link] -
Binary Search Trees: (data structure) it is a smart implementation of symbol tables. It solves the problem given by the standard symbol table implementations, giving O(log N) time complexity for both
. [link] -
Balanced Search Trees: (data structure) it solves the problem of unbalanced trees, given by standard binary trees. It is also known as self-balancing binary search tree. The problem with this data structure is the overhead in keeping track of different types of node and links [link]
Red-Black Balanced Search Trees: (data structure) it solves the overhead problem of standard balanced trees. The implementation guarantees O(log N) time complexity in all the operations. The resulting tree is not perfectly balanced in some particular cases [link]
Hash tables: (data structure) using an hash function that maps any integer into a subset it is possible to store a large number of values into a limited number of bins [link]
Graph: (data structure) the graph data structure is very important and it can be implemented in three ways. The first way is using a matrix of size V*V where each value identifies a connection between two vertices. The third way is using an adjacency-list, meaning a list of list where for each vertex there is associated a list of neighbours. [link]
Depth-First Search: (search algorithm) using a depth search it is possible to look for path and vertex in a graph. It can be used to verify in constant time if two nodes are connected. [link]
Breadth-First Search: (search algorithm) using a breadth search it is possible to look for path and vertex in a graph. It is used to find the shortest path between two nodes. [link]
Digraph: (data structure) a directed graph or digraph has directed edges. The depth-first and breadth-first algorithms still work. However finding strong connected components requires a slightly more complex algorithm. [link]
Minimum Spanning Trees: (data structure and search algorithm) sometimes it is necessary to find the minimum set of edges connecting all the nodes, where to each edge it is associated a weigh. The minimum spanning tree correspond to the tree having the edges with lowest weight connecting all the nodes. Here are discussed three implementations: greedy, Kruskal, and Prim. [link]
Shortest path: (search algorithm) finding the shortest path between two nodes in efficient way is not easy. Here are discussed different solutions and the Dijkstra algorithm [link]
Official requirements (of different companies) for passing coding interview:
- Google [readme]