Colour is a Python colour science package implementing a comprehensive number of colour theory transformations and algorithms.
- RGB and XYZ colour matching functions spectral data:
- Wright & Guild 1931 2 Degree RGB CMFs RGB colour matching functions.
- Stiles & Burch 1955 2 Degree RGB CMFs RGB colour matching functions.
- Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs RGB colour matching functions.
- CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer XYZ colour matching functions.
- CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer XYZ colour matching functions.
- CIE 2012 2 Degree Standard Observer XYZ colour matching functions.
- CIE 2012 10 Degree Standard Observer XYZ colour matching functions.
- Cone fundamentals spectral data:
- Stockman & Sharpe 2 Degree Cone Fundamentals.
- Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals.
- Photopic & Scotopic luminous efficiency functions spectral data:
- CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer
- Judd Modified CIE 1951 Photopic Standard Observer
- Judd-Vos Modified CIE 1978 Photopic Standard Observer
- CIE 1964 Photopic 10 Degree Standard Observer
- CIE 2008 2 Degree Physiologically Relevant LEF
- CIE 2008 10 Degree Physiologically Relevant LEF
- CIE 1951 Scotopic Standard Observer
- Illuminants spectral data:
- A
- B
- C
- D50
- D55
- D60
- D65
- D75
- E
- F1
- F2
- F3
- F4
- F5
- F6
- F7
- F8
- F9
- F10
- F11
- F12
- FL3.1
- FL3.2
- FL3.3
- FL3.4
- FL3.5
- FL3.6
- FL3.7
- FL3.8
- FL3.9
- FL3.10
- FL3.11
- FL3.12
- FL3.13
- FL3.14
- FL3.15
- HP1
- HP2
- HP3
- HP4
- HP5
- Colour rendition charts spectral data.
- Colour appearance models:
- Correlated colour temperature calculation:
- Roberston method implementation.
- Yoshi Ohno method implementation.
- McCamy method implementation.
- Hernandez-Andres, Lee & Romero method implementation.
- Kang, Moon, Hong, Lee, Cho and Kim implementation.
- CIE Illuminant D Series implementation.
- Colour matching functions conversions for educational purpose:
- Wright & Guild 1931 2 Degree RGB CMFs to CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer
- Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs to CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer
- Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs to Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals
- Stockman & Sharpe 2 Degree Cone Fundamentals to CIE 2012 2 Degree Standard Observer
- Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals to CIE 2012 10 Degree Standard Observer
- Spectral power distribution data manipulation and conversion to tristimulus values.
- Blackbody spectral radiance calculation.
- Spectral bandpass correction.
- Sprague interpolation.
- Chromatic adaptation with following methods:
- XYZ Scaling.
- Bradford.
- Von Kries.
- CAT02.
- Luminance, Munsell value and Lightness calculations:
- Luminance Newhall 1943
- Luminance 1976
- Luminance ASTM D1535-08
- Munsell Value Priest 1920
- Munsell Value Munsell 1933
- Munsell Value Moon 1943
- Munsell Value Saunderson 1944
- Munsell Value Ladd 1955
- Munsell Value McCamy 1987
- Munsell Value ASTM D1535-08
- Lightness Glasser 1958
- Lightness Wyszecki 1964
- Lightness 1976
- RGB Colourspaces support:
- ACES RGB Proxy 10
- ACES RGB Proxy 12
- Adobe RGB 1998
- Adobe Wide Gamut RGB
- ALEXA Wide Gamut RGB
- Apple RGB
- Best RGB
- Beta RGB
- ColorMatch RGB
- DCI-P3
- Don RGB 4
- ECI RGB v2
- Ekta Space PS 5
- Max RGB
- Pal/Secam RGB
- ProPhoto RGB
- Rec. 709
- Rec. 2020
- Russell RGB
- S-Log
- Xtreme RGB
- sRGB
- Colourspaces transformations:
- Wavelength to XYZ.
- Spectral to XYZ.
- XYZ to xyY.
- xyY to XYZ.
- xy to XYZ.
- XYZ to xy.
- XYZ to RGB.
- RGB to XYZ.
- xyY to RGB.
- RGB to xyY.
- RGB to RGB.
- XYZ to UCS.
- UCS to XYZ.
- UCS to uv.
- UCS uv to xy.
- XYZ to UVW.
- XYZ to Luv.
- Luv to XYZ.
- Luv to uv.
- Luv uv to xy.
- Luv to LCHuv.
- LCHuv to Luv.
- XYZ to Lab.
- Lab to XYZ.
- Lab to LCHab.
- LCHab to Lab.
- uv to CCT, Duv.
- CCT, Duv to uv.
- xyY to Munsell Colour.
- Munsell Colour to xyY.
Convenience deprecated colourspaces transformations:
- RGB to HSV.
- HSV to RGB.
- RGB to HSL.
- HSL to RGB.
- RGB to CMY.
- CMY to RGB.
- CMY to CMYK.
- CMYK to CMY.
- RGB to HEX.
- HEX to RGB.
- Illuminants chromaticity coordinates data.
- Colourspaces derivation.
- Colour difference calculation with following methods:
- ΔE CIE 1976.
- ΔE CIE 1994.
- ΔE CIE 2000.
- Colour rendering index calculation.
- Colour rendition chart data.
- RGB colourspaces visualisation within Autodesk Maya.
- First order colour fit.
- Comprehensive plotting capabilities.
The following dependencies are needed:
- Python 2.6.7 or Python 2.7.3:
To install Colour from the Python Package Index you can issue this command in a shell:
pip install colour-science
or this alternative command:
easy_install colour-science
You can also install directly from Github source repository:
git clone git:// cd colour python install
- Yoshi Ohno for helping me pinpointing the root cause of calculation discrepancies in my implementation of his CCT & Duv calculation method.
- Charles Poynton for replying to my questions.
- Michael Parsons for all the continuous technical advices.
- Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3
- Mark D. Fairchild, Color Appearance Models, 2nd Edition, The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, published 19 November 2004, ISBN-13: 978-0470012161
- Stephen Westland, Caterina Ripamonti, Vien Cheung, Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB, 2nd Edition, The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, published July 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-66569-5
- Richard Sewall Hunter, The Measurement of Appearance, 2nd Edition, published August 25, 1987, ISBN-13: 978-0471830061
- Edward J. Giorgianni & Thomas E. Madden, Digital Colour Management: Encoding Solutions - Second Edition, Wiley, published November 2008, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-99436-8
- Charles Poynton, Digital Video and HD: Algorithms and Interfaces, The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics, published December 2, 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0123919267
- Charles Poynton, Color FAQ
- Charles Poynton, Gamma FAQ
- CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations: 9.2.4 Method of interpolation for uniformly spaced independent variable (Last accessed 28 May 2014), Stephen Westland, Caterina Ripamonti, Vien Cheung, Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB, 2nd Edition, The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, published July 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-66569-5, Page 33.
- Bruce Lindbloom, XYZ Scaling Chromatic Adaptation Transform (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, Bradford Chromatic Adaptation Transform (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, Von Kries Chromatic Adaptation Transform (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Mark D. Fairchild, Fairchild Chromatic Adaptation Transform (Last accessed 28 July 2014)
- CAT02 Chromatic Adaptation (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- CIECAM02, Mark D. Fairchild, Color Appearance Models, 2nd Edition, The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, published 19 November 2004, ISBN-13: 978-0470012161, Pages 265-277., CIECAM02, Stephen Westland, Caterina Ripamonti, Vien Cheung, Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB, 2nd Edition, The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, published July 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-66569-5, Pages 88-92., The CIECAM02 Color Appearance Model (Last accessed 30 July 2014)
- Yoshi Ohno, Colour Rendering Index (Last accessed 10 June 2014)
- BabelColor ColorChecker RGB & Spectral Data (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- N. Ohta, Macbeth ColorChecker Spectral Data (Last accessed 9 June 2014)
- RP 177-1993 SMPTE RECOMMENDED PRACTICE - Television Color Equations: 3.3.2 - 3.3.6 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, ΔE CIE 1976 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, ΔE CIE 1994 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, ΔE CIE 2000 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, ΔE CMC (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Wright & Guild 1931 2 Degree RGB CMFs (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- Stiles & Burch 1955 2 Degree RGB CMFs (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- CIE 2012 2 Degree Standard Observer (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- CIE 2012 10 Degree Standard Observer (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Wright & Guild 1931 2 Degree RGB CMFs to CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer, Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, Pages 138, 139.
- Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs to CIE 1964 10 Degree Standard Observer, Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, Page 141.
- Stiles & Burch 1959 10 Degree RGB CMFs to Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals (Last accessed 23 June 2014)
- Stockman & Sharpe 2 Degree Cone Fundamentals to CIE 2012 2 Degree Standard Observer (Last accessed 25 June 2014)
- Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals to CIE 2012 10 Degree Standard Observer (Last accessed 25 June 2014)
- Stockman & Sharpe 2 Degree Cone Fundamentals (Last accessed 23 June 2014)
- Stockman & Sharpe 10 Degree Cone Fundamentals (Last accessed 23 June 2014)
- Alan R. Roberston, Adobe DNG SDK dng_sdk_1_3/dng_sdk/source/dng_temperature.cpp (Last accessed 2 December 2013), Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, Page 227
- Yoshi Ohno, Practical Use and Calculation of CCT and Duv (Last accessed 3 March 2014)
- C. S. McCamy, Correlated Colour Temperature Approximation (Last accessed 28 June 2014)
- Javier Hernandez-Andres, Raymond L. Lee, Jr., and Javier Romero, Calculating correlated color temperatures across the entire gamut of daylight and skylight chromaticities (Last accessed 28 June 2014)
- Bongsoon Kang Ohak Moon, Changhee Hong, Honam Lee, Bonghwan Cho and Youngsun Kim, Design of Advanced Color - Temperature Control System for HDTV Applications (Last accessed 29 June 2014)
- CIE Method of Calculating D-Illuminants, D. B. Judd, D. L. Macadam, G. Wyszecki, H. W. Budde, H. R. Condit, S. T. Henderson and J. L. Simonds, Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, Page 145
- RGB to HSV (Last accessed 18 May 2014)
- HSV to RGB (Last accessed 18 May 2014)
- RGB to HSL (Last accessed 18 May 2014)
- HSL to RGB (Last accessed 18 May 2014)
- RGB to CMY (Last accessed 18 May 2014)
- CMY to RGB (Last accessed 18 May 2014)
- CMY to CMYK (Last accessed 18 May 2014)
- CMYK to CMY (Last accessed 18 May 2014)
- A (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- B (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- C (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- D50 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- D55 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, D60 (Last accessed 5 April 2014)
- D65 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- D75 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F1 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F2 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F3 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F4 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F5 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F6 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F7 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F8 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F9 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F10 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F11 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- F12 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- FL3.1 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.2 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.3 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.4 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.5 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.6 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.7 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.8 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.9 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.10 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.11 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.12 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.13 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.14 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- FL3.15 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- HP1 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- HP2 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- HP3 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- HP4 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- HP5 (Last accessed 12 June 2014)
- Illuminants Chromaticity Coordinates (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Lightness Glasser 1958 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Lightness Wyszecki 1964 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Charles Poynton, Lightness 1976 (Last accessed 12 April 2014)
- Luminance (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Luminance Newhall 1943 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Luminance 1976 (Last accessed 12 April 2014)
- Luminance ASTM D1535-08
- CIE 1924 Photopic Standard Observer (Last accessed 19 April 2014)
- Judd Modified CIE 1951 Photopic Standard Observer (Last accessed 19 April 2014)
- Judd-Vos Modified CIE 1978 Photopic Standard Observer (Last accessed 19 April 2014)
- CIE 1964 Photopic 10 Degree Standard Observer (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- CIE 2008 2 Degree Physiologically Relevant LEF (Last accessed 19 April 2014)
- CIE 2008 10 Degree Physiologically Relevant LEF (Last accessed 19 April 2014)
- CIE 1951 Scotopic Standard Observer (Last accessed 19 April 2014)
- Mesopic Weighting Function (Last accessed 20 June 2014)
- Paul Centore, An Open-Source Inversion Algorithm for the Munsell Renotation (Last accessed 26 July 2014)
- The Munsell and Kubelka-Munk Toolbox (Last accessed 26 July 2014)
- Munsell Value Priest 1920 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Munsell Value Munsell 1933 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Munsell Value Moon 1943 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Munsell Value Saunderson 1944 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Munsell Value Ladd 1955 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Munsell Value ASTM D1535-08 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Munsell Value McCamy 1987, Standard Test Method for Specifying Color by the Munsell System - ASTM-D1535-1989 (Last accessed 23 July 2014)
- A, Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, Pages 776, 777
- C, David MacAdam. Maximum Visual Efficiency of Colored Materials JOSA, Vol. 25, Pages 361, 367
- D65, Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, Pages 778, 779
- ACES RGB (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- ACES RGB Log (Last accessed 17 May 2014)
- ACES RGB Proxy 10 (Last accessed 17 May 2014)
- ACES RGB Proxy 12 (Last accessed 17 May 2014)
- Adobe RGB 1998 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Adobe Wide Gamut RGB (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- ALEXA Wide Gamut RGB (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Apple RGB (Last accessed 11 April 2014)
- Best RGB (Last accessed 11 April 2014)
- Beta RGB (Last accessed 11 April 2014)
- CIE RGB (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- C-Log (Last accessed 18 April 2014)
- ColorMatch Colorspace (Last accessed 12 April 2014)
- DCI-P3 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Don RGB 4 (Last accessed 12 April 2014)
- ECI RGB v2 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Ekta Space PS 5 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Max RGB (Last accessed 12 April 2014)
- NTSC RGB (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Pal/Secam RGB (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Pointer's Gamut (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- ProPhoto RGB (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Rec. 709 (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Rec. 2020 (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- Russell RGB (Last accessed 11 April 2014)
- S-Log (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- SMPTE-C RGB (Last accessed 13 April 2014)
- sRGB (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Xtreme RGB (Last accessed 12 April 2014)
- Spectral to XYZ Tristimulus Values, Wyszecki & Stiles, Color Science - Concepts and Methods Data and Formulae - Second Edition, Wiley Classics Library Edition, published 2000, ISBN-10: 0-471-39918-3, Page 158.
- Stearns Spectral Bandpass Dependence Correction, Stephen Westland, Caterina Ripamonti, Vien Cheung, Computational Colour Science Using MATLAB, 2nd Edition, The Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology, published July 2012, ISBN-13: 978-0-470-66569-5, Page 38.
- CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations: 9. INTERPOLATION (Last accessed 28 May 2014)
- CIE 015:2004 Colorimetry, 3rd edition: Extrapolationn, CIE 167:2005 Recommended Practice for Tabulating Spectral Data for Use in Colour Computations: 10. EXTRAPOLATION (Last accessed 28 May 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, XYZ to xyY (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, xyY to XYZ (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- XYZ to UCS (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- UCS to XYZ (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- UCS to uv (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- UCS uv to xy (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- XYZ to UVW (Last accessed 10 June 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, XYZ to Luv (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, Luv to XYZ (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Luv to uv (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Luv uv to xy (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, Luv to LCHuv (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, LCHuv to Luv (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, XYZ to Lab (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, Lab to XYZ (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, Lab to LCHab (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Bruce Lindbloom, LCHab to Lab (Last accessed 24 February 2014)
- Paul Centore, xyY to Munsell Colour (Last accessed 26 July 2014)
- Paul Centore, Munsell Colour to xyY (Last accessed 26 July 2014)
Colour by Colour Developers - 2013 - 2014
Copyright © 2013 - 2014 – Colour Developers –
This software is released under terms of GNU GPL V3 license: