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MP3Tag scripts for pulling data from Metal Archives

     _____          __         .__           _____                .__    .__
    /     \   _____/  |______  |  |         /  _  \_______   ____ |  |__ |__|__  __ ____   ______
   /  \ /  \_/ __ \   __\__  \ |  |        /  /_\  \_  __ \_/ ___\|  |  \|  \  \/ // __ \ /  ___/
  /    Y    \  ___/|  |  / __ \|  |__     /    |    \  | \/\  \___|   Y  \  |\   /\  ___/ \___ \ 
  \____|__  /\___  >__| (____  /____/     \____|__  /__|    \___  >___|  /__| \_/  \___  >____  >
          \/     \/          \/                   \/            \/     \/              \/     \/ 
 Mp3tag parsing for, created by dano on 2007-12-15
 Only search for Metal music, normal music is not on the site
 Also only real Metal. KoRn, Linkin Park or similar is not on the site

These scripts, as the previous decriptions indicates, were created by dano, an user from the MP3Tag Community (forums, brefore the change to a Discord platform), and they take information from the Encyclopaedia Metallum (a.k.a. Metal Archives, or MA).

Since he doesn't seems to be very active lately, nor there signs that he's doing updates to the scripts, I'm making this repository in order to keep them updated, as the layout on MA changes (if it happens).