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Inverse Kinematics #23



Inverse Kinematics

The inverse kinematics problem involves finding the joint angles that correspond to a desired end-effector position and orientation.

The UR5 robot arm has six revolute joints, and its kinematics can be described using the Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) parameters. These parameters define the relationship between consecutive joint frames.

1. Denavit-Hartenberg (DH) Parameters:
The DH parameters for the UR5 are as follows:

Link a alpha d theta
1 0 -90° d1 q1
2 -0.425 0 q2-90°
3 -0.392 0 q3
4 0 -90° d4 q4
5 0 90° d5 q5
6 0 d6 q6

Here, a represents the link length, alpha is the twist angle, d denotes the joint offset, and theta represents the joint angle.

2. Forward Kinematics:
Forward kinematics refers to the process of calculating the transformation matrix from the robot's base frame to the end-effector frame. This matrix represents the end-effector's position and orientation with respect to the base frame.
The forward kinematics transformation matrix can be computed using the product of individual link transformations. The transformation from link i to link i+1 can be described as:

T_i_i+1 = Rot_z(q_i) * Trans_z(d_i) * Trans_x(a_i) * Rot_x(alpha_i)

Here, Rot_z(q_i) represents a rotation about the z-axis by q_i radians, Trans_z(d_i) represents a translation along the z-axis by d_i units, Trans_x(a_i) represents a translation along the x-axis by a_i units, and Rot_x(alpha_i) represents a rotation about the x-axis by alpha_i radians.

The forward kinematics transformation matrix for the UR5 can be obtained by multiplying the individual link transformations:

T_0_6 = T_0_1 * T_1_2 * T_2_3 * T_3_4 * T_4_5 * T_5_6

3. Inverse Kinematics:
Inverse kinematics involves finding the joint angles that correspond to a desired end-effector position and orientation.
For the UR5 robot arm, the inverse kinematics problem can be solved using numerical or analytical methods. Analytical methods involve finding a closed-form solution, while numerical methods iteratively converge to a solution.

One popular numerical method is the iterative Jacobian-based method. The Jacobian matrix relates the joint velocities to the end-effector velocities. In this method, an initial guess for the joint angles is provided, and the joint angles are iteratively updated based on the difference between the current and desired end-effector positions.

The Jacobian matrix J relates the change in end-effector position (dx, dy, dz) and orientation (droll, dpitch, dyaw) to the change in joint angles (dq1, dq2, dq3, dq4, dq5, dq6):

[dq1, dq2, dq3, dq4, dq5, dq6] = pinv(J) * [dx, dy, dz, droll, dpitch, dyaw]

Here, pinv(J) represents the pseudo-inverse of the Jacobian matrix.

4. Singularity Handling:
The UR5 robot arm has singular configurations where the Jacobian becomes singular, leading to infinitely large joint velocities. These configurations can limit the robot's motion and cause undesired behavior.

To handle singularities, different methods can be employed, such as avoiding the singular regions in the workspace, implementing null-space optimization to prioritize secondary objectives, or applying damping to reduce joint velocities near singularities.

These are the key concepts and formulas involved in solving the inverse kinematics of the UR5 robot arm. The actual implementation and code may vary depending on the specific programming language and framework being used.

Collision Avoidance

To incorporate collision avoidance into the inverse kinematics solution for the UR5 robot arm, you can utilize collision detection techniques to ensure that the computed joint angles avoid collisions with obstacles in the environment. Here's an example of how you can approach collision avoidance:

1. Define the collision environment: Start by defining the obstacles or the environment in which the UR5 operates. This can include static objects, other robots, or any obstacles that the robot should avoid. Represent these obstacles as geometric models or point clouds.

2. Perform collision detection: Use collision detection algorithms or libraries to check for collisions between the robot and the environment. Common collision detection techniques include bounding volume hierarchies, distance fields, or exact mesh-to-mesh collision checks. Libraries like pybullet, OpenRAVE, or FCL provide collision detection functionalities.

3. Modify the inverse kinematics solution: Extend the inverse kinematics algorithm to consider collision avoidance. One approach is to add a collision cost or penalty term to the optimization problem being solved. This term penalizes joint configurations that are likely to collide with the environment.

4. Optimize joint configurations: Use optimization techniques to find joint configurations that minimize the collision cost while satisfying the desired end-effector position and orientation. You can utilize numerical optimization algorithms such as gradient descent, sequential quadratic programming, or genetic algorithms to optimize the joint angles.

5. Iterative improvement: Implement an iterative process where you iteratively update the joint angles, perform collision detection, evaluate the collision cost, and adjust the joint angles accordingly. Repeat this process until a collision-free solution is obtained.

Note that collision avoidance is a complex problem, and the specific implementation details may vary based on the collision detection library and optimization approach you choose. Additionally, you may need to consider factors like joint limits, singularity avoidance, and workspace constraints during the collision avoidance process.

It's worth mentioning that there are also dedicated motion planning algorithms, such as Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRT) or Probabilistic Roadmaps (PRM), that can be used to plan collision-free paths for the robot. These algorithms generate a sequence of waypoints that the robot can follow, avoiding collisions along the way.

Implementing collision avoidance is a challenging task, and it requires a good understanding of collision detection techniques, optimization algorithms, and the kinematics of the robot. Consider leveraging existing frameworks and libraries that provide collision avoidance capabilities, such as MoveIt! for the UR5 robot arm, which integrates motion planning and collision avoidance functionalities.




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