ACM Computing Classification Scheme
All Science Journal Classification Codes
Art and Architecture Thesaurus
Biomedical Ontologies from BioPortal
Computer Science Ontology
Computer Science Subject Headings from Wikipedia
Dewey Decimal Classificaion
European Commission Taxonomy
European Research Council Taxonomy
Fields of Research (ANZSRC)
Fields of research and development (OECD)
Journal of Economic Literature
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Mathematics Subject Classification
Microsoft's Field of Study
National Library of Medicine classification
Open Biological and Biomedical Ontologies
OpenAIRE's Field of Science Taxonomy
Physics and Astronomy Classification Scheme
PsycInfo and PsycTests Classification Systems
Research Fields, Courses and Disciplines (ASRC)
STW Thesaurus for Economics
Science Metrix Classification
Socio-Economic Objective (ANZSRC)
Subject Resource Application Ontology
U.S. Geological Survey Library Classification System
Unified Medical Language System
Web of Science Categories
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Library of Congress Subject Headings
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