The DFG Classification is a thesaurus of scientific disciplines, research areas, review boards and subject areas developed and maintained by the German Research Foundation (DFG), a national funder. The DFG Classification is actively updated, and its latest iteration will be in use from 2020 to 2024. In its main application, it is used as the reference classification scheme for research data repositories within the re3data registry, which is run by DFG itself.
This taxonomy contains 278 subject headings organised in a four-level monohierarchical structure encompassing several areas of Science. At the top level, we can find four main areas such as Humanities and Social Sciences, Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, and Engineering Sciences.
The DFG classification can be browsed on the re3data portal. To download it, the user needs to parse the HTML page. All content on re3data, including the taxonomy, are subject to CC-BY 4.0 licence.