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Quick Fake API

Quick Fake API is a versatile CLI tool for quickly setting up mock API endpoints for testing and development purposes.


macOS and Linux

  1. Download the latest binary for your platform from the releases page.

    • For macOS (Intel): fake-api-macos-x64
    • For macOS (Apple Silicon): fake-api-macos-arm64
    • For Linux (x64): fake-api-linux-x64
    • For Linux (ARM64): fake-api-linux-arm64
  2. Make the binary executable:

    chmod +x fake-api-<platform>

    Replace <platform> with your specific platform (e.g., macos-x64, linux-arm64, etc.).

  3. Optionally, rename the binary for easier use:

    mv fake-api-<platform> fake-api
  4. Move the binary to a directory in your PATH, for example:

    sudo mv fake-api /usr/local/bin/


  1. Download the latest fake-api-windows-x64 from the releases page.

  2. Optionally, rename the file to fake-api.exe for easier use.

  3. Move the executable to a directory in your PATH, or add the directory containing the executable to your PATH environment variable.


You can run the tool using command-line arguments or by providing a configuration file.

Command-line Usage

fake-api [options] [path]


  • -p, --port <number>: Set the HTTP server port (default: 3000)
  • -h, --host <domain>: Specify the host domain of the server
  • -m, --methods <methods>: Specify the HTTP methods the API accepts (comma-separated)
  • -r, --response <file>: Specify the response body (file path or JSON string)
  • -s, --status <code>: Specify the status code of the response (default: 200)
  • -P, --path <path>: Specify the API path (alternative to positional argument)
  • -V, --validate <schema>: Specify a JSON schema to validate the request body
  • -H, --headers <json>: Specify custom headers for the response (JSON string)
  • -c, --config <file>: Specify a configuration file (JSON or YAML)

Configuration File

You can use a configuration file to set up multiple paths with different settings. The configuration file can be in JSON or YAML format.

Example configuration file (config.yaml):

port: 8080
  - path: /users
    methods: [GET, POST]
    response: ./responses/users.json
    statusCode: 200
      X-Custom-Header: CustomValue
  - path: /products
    methods: [GET]
    statusCode: 200
      type: object
          type: integer

To use the configuration file:

quick-fake-api -c config.yaml

When using a configuration file, all other command-line options are ignored.


  1. Start a basic server on port 8080:

    quick-fake-api -p 8080
  2. Create an endpoint for a specific host and methods:

    quick-fake-api -p 8080 -h -m GET,POST /users
  3. Return a custom response file with a specific status code:

    quick-fake-api -r ./response.json -s 201 /create
  4. Validate incoming requests against a JSON schema:

    quick-fake-api -V '{"type":"object","properties":{"name":{"type":"string"}}}' /validate

Detailed Parameter Explanation

  • -p, --port: Specifies the port number on which the server will listen. Must be between 1 and 65535.

  • -h, --host: Sets the host domain for the server. If specified, only requests matching this host will be processed.

  • -m, --methods: Defines which HTTP methods the endpoint will accept. Multiple methods should be comma-separated. Valid methods are GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS, and HEAD.

  • -r, --response: Specifies the response body. If a file path is provided, the content of the file will be returned with the appropriate content-type header. If not specified, a default JSON response { "success": true } is returned.

  • -s, --status: Sets the HTTP status code for the response. Must be between 100 and 599.

  • -P, --path or positional argument: Defines the API endpoint path. If not specified, defaults to '/'.

  • -V, --validate: Accepts a JSON schema for validating the request body. If the request body doesn't match the schema, a 400 error is returned.


  • The tool automatically handles both HTTP and HTTPS requests.
  • It supports HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, and HTTP/3 protocols without additional configuration.
  • All console output is colorized for better readability.
  • Incoming requests and outgoing responses are logged in the console with appropriate formatting and colors.

Error Handling

  • The tool validates all input parameters and will exit with an error message if any parameters are invalid.
  • If request body validation is enabled and the incoming request doesn't match the specified schema, a 400 error is returned with details about the validation failure.


  • The tool is designed for development and testing purposes and may not be suitable for production environments.
  • Large file responses may impact performance and should be used cautiously.


Contributions to improve Quick Fake API are welcome. Please feel free to submit issues or pull requests on the project's repository.


This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.