I'm a frontend engineer with high-quality front-end skills. I am currently working as an SDE-III at Atlan. I really enjoy making fast, scalable, and interactive web apps which is easy to use. I have experience working with a range of different languages and frameworks and I am always looking for opportunities to work on something new.
Some of my key skills include - React, NodeJs, MongoDB, Express, Gatsby, NextJs, GSAP, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Python and C++
- 💬 Ask me about anything and everything!
- 📫 How to reach me: shekhaliul44@gmail.com
- ⚡ Fun fact: I love watching cricket and eating food!
- 📫 Also visit: https://alii13.github.io/portfolio/
- 📫 Connect with Me at: shekhaliul44@gmai.com