Prometheus Client for easy use.
I wrote this library so i can easily use it in my Go projects.
- Easy easy.
- Provide basic Go runtime metrics.
- Support gin middleware for providing API request counts and duration metrics.
- Easy for developer to add custom metrics.
The simplest usage:
func main() {
client := prome.NewClient("test", "/foo")
if err := client.ListenAndServe(":9000"); err != nil {
Just include the code above already provides you the Go runtime metrics info. You can run curl ""
and get the prometheus data.
11:57 tmp ➜ curl ""
# HELP test_runtime_gomaxprocs Runtime GOMAXPROCS
# TYPE test_runtime_gomaxprocs gauge
test_runtime_gomaxprocs 4
# HELP test_runtime_memstats_alloc Runtime memstats alloc (Unit: byte)
# TYPE test_runtime_memstats_alloc gauge
test_runtime_memstats_alloc 1.346416e+06
# HELP test_runtime_memstats_last_gc Runtime memstats last GC pause (Unit: ns)
# TYPE test_runtime_memstats_last_gc gauge
test_runtime_memstats_last_gc 0
# HELP test_runtime_memstats_sys Runtime memstats sys (Unit: byte)
# TYPE test_runtime_memstats_sys gauge
test_runtime_memstats_sys 7.2827136e+07
# HELP test_runtime_num_cpu Runtime number of CPUs
# TYPE test_runtime_num_cpu gauge
test_runtime_num_cpu 4
# HELP test_runtime_num_goroutine Runtime number of goroutines
# TYPE test_runtime_num_goroutine gauge
test_runtime_num_goroutine 3
# HELP test_runtime_os_threads Runtime number of OS threads
# TYPE test_runtime_os_threads gauge
test_runtime_os_threads 7
You can get more examples in the examples
directory to find more advenced usage.